What are the best indoor plants for air purification? Research shows that plants can help with air purification, especially in areas where air quality may be in question. Breathing cleaner air also helps you think clearer, calms stress and reduces the risk for asthma, Cates tells Good Housekee...
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) notes that warmer temperatures and increased carbon dioxide levels have caused plants to produce more allergenic pollen in larger quantities. Combined with worsening levels of smog and other fine-particle air pollution amid increased natural gas use, a ...
a spider plant keeps the room humid enough to give you the best room environment. According to aNASA study, the spider plant is one of the best air purification plants. Another plus point is that these are easy to care for
The product category, which has existed in India for over two decades but struggled to become a household name, has suddenly become a [...] By Air Purifier News air filtration, Air Purification, air purifier, Air Purifier Buying Guide, air purifier manufacturer, air quality control, build ...