With TPB’s unexpected farewell, several other sites came to take its place. One such torrent website is LimeTorrent, whichcomprises high-quality movie filesand caters to entertainment. It offers a decent interface and instant downloading options. The site does not directly host torrent files; l...
In the private torrenting scene, being the first to upload something rare is an accolade. Being the first to upload new content is a race to the finish line, and not only for bragging rights. Many private trackers have a bounty system in place where members can request media that is not...
Also, you don’t need to jailbreak the phone in order to install the app, and they will even send you an alert when any dangerous activity has taken place. As far as information about activity goes from others, this is going to be updated every five minutes, so you’re going to be ...
Where do introverts meet people to date? This may come as a shock, butdating apps(and even some of the old-school dating sites that are still hanging around) aretheplace for introverts. On these platforms, you can show off who you really are without feeling the pressure to constantly be...
Chances are, if you’re interested in it, Reddit likely has a dedicated community for discussing it. These communities are known as “subreddits” and they can be a great place to talk about your interests with other like-minded people, find support, or get answers to your questions, whet...
You can use their search bar to search for a particular torrent directly. They have a pretty good collection of torrents if you compare them. 4.LimeTorrents Looking for a clean and clutter-free torrent for downloading items? Well, you are at the right place. The LimeTorrents has a simple...
For Fans Of:You may think I’m gonna say this is good for fans of Lost, and I won’t disagree. But, if you ever wished that David Lynch had made Twin Peaks take place in a Pacific island chain, this is your show. White Vault: Goshawk ...
This is all in addition to being a great place to keep your passwords safe and making it easy to update them. Download from: Google Play Store Enpass Password Manager Stop using the same password every time you create a new login on the web. Enpass is a simple password manager that ...
For some poker training sites, Cardplayer Lifestyle is able to offer you an exclusive discount, so you’ve certainly come to the right place! Importantly, you should note that it’s not just the bigger names in poker who have excellent reputations as poker coaches. You may not have heard...
What apps for downloading torrents are you using? On my Windows machine I used to use uTorrent. Then I bought a Macbook and I didn't need such software anymore. now I'd need such an app and am looking for suggestions. — Reddit ...