Best place to find work 更佳就业城市---NB省蒙克顿 Cheapest place to buy a house 购房更便宜城市---NB省圣约翰(Saint John) Best city for outdoor activities 更适合户外活动城市---NL省圣约翰斯(St. John's) Cheapest city for renters 更低租金城市---AB省埃德蒙顿 Best place to live in Canada ...
BC自称为“the best place on earth”(有进入BC地界的招牌为证),虽有夜郎自大之嫌,但人家也确实有傲娇的资本。进入BC后,景色逐渐变得越来越越养眼,青山连绵,河流湖泊星罗棋布,我们开车一时蜿蜒在崇山峻岭之中,一时又沿着碧绿清澈的湖边行进,太平洋铁路上悠长而慢吞吞的货运列车像一条移动的彩带缠绕在山脚下湖的那...
While growing up in warm, tropical Suriname, I always knewthat a day would come when I would set out in search of the best place to live for myself. Back then I didn't know much about Canada, but I always felt attracted to North America; its 4 seasons, snow-capped mountains, and ...
If you are looking to immerse yourself in a new culture, Bulgaria is a wonderful place for you, Bansko, Sofia, and Varna are some of the most popular cities for expats. Bulgaria is a wonderful place to live for expats and digital nomads alike who don’t want to live in a tourist-...
Where Is The Cheapest And Warmest Place To Live In Canada? The warmest city in Canada is Victoria. We all know that this is not the cheapest place in the country to live in. Ontario may not be the warmest place but Cornwall in Ontario has the perfect balance of the warm-ish climate ...
Vancouver is the best place to live in the Americas, according to a quality-of-life ranking published earlier this month. The city regularly tops such indexes as its clean air, spacious homes and weekend possibilities of sailing and skiing. But its status as a liveable city is threatened by...
While Montréal and Québec City highlight Canada's French roots, Victoria represents the country's British past. Many pay a visit to Victoria, British Columbia's capital city, for afternoon tea, a tour of the imposing Parliament Buildings or a history lesson at the Royal BC Museum. Others ...
It is a place of rare and distinct natural and environmental assets and an attractive cityscape. This amazing city has been a meeting place for cultures for a thousand years. Take your time to explore the contemporary art galleries and experience a diverse creative community’s art through the...
Welcome to my blog, a place where I can write, rant and rave into the blogosphere about the adventures and misadventures of everyday life. My mission here with boomerrantz is to express some ageing boomer opinions about how I perceive the world around me, in all its glory and carbuncles...
But the realities of the climate crisis are causing water levels there to drop and have reframed the destination from “a place to visit someday” to “a place you need to visit now.” On the border of Israel and Jordan, the Dead Sea can feel like an extremely salty oasis, where ...