The Color Purple is a period drama, steeped in the southern atmosphere of rural Georgia. It follows the life of Celie (Whoopi Goldberg), a young African-American woman, from her childhood to adulthood. Born into poverty and subjected to severe abuse, Celie's journey is one of resilience and...
Dickey Farmslocated in Musella, GA, about 30 minutes from Macon in central Georgia, is known for their amazing peaches. But in the fall — they go all out with pumpkins and offer tons of funfall activities! On Saturdays and Sundays in October, head to Dickey Farms to pick your perfect p...
1 tsp sweet sugar (optional if you want to add more sweetness) Peach slices Instructions: Place the ripe peaches, peach brandy, and half and half in a blender. Add sugar if desired, but if the peaches have the right amount of sweetness, there is no need to do so. Blend until the mi...
Through late September, you can also pick pumpkins, peaches, and fall raspberries at Applecrest Farm Orchards in New Hampshire. Thirsty? Mercier Orchards in Georgia was one of the first farms in the state to grow, press, ferment, and bottle its own hard cider and wine. ...
Guide to Camping and Campgrounds in Georgia Whether you prefer a tent, cabin or camper, these campgrounds have something for everyone. Guide to Yurts and Glamping in Georgia It’s camping without giving up the comforts of home! Find a great place with our list. ...
75 Best Restaurants in Atlanta Best Barbecue 50 Best Tacos 123 Things to Eat on Buford Highway 50 Best Bars Best Breakfast Lifestyle Travel 50 Best Things to Do in Georgia Hidden Georgia North Georgia Mountains Style School Guide Buckhead Guidebook Health & Wellness Top Doctors Top Dentists Spons...
Of all the top tourist attractions in Canada, Butchart Gardens is the best place to explore with a camera in hand. Renowned as a National Historic Site of Canada, the Butchart Gardens has millions of bedding plants and more than 900 varieties. Witness the flourishing glory of this over 100-...
When it comes to fruit, Atlanta is an inhospitable place to grow citrus such as oranges, plums and mangoes. Bananas are possible, but they’ll typically grow on the small side. Some fruits have been imported from elsewhere and have literally taken root in Georgia. But there are also some ...
We all have that one favorite bar we go to. Either family, co-workers, or friends are coming over for the evening, there's that one place we all love and out-of-towners always ask, Can we go back to that place?
Preheat the oven to 400°F. Bring a large saucepan of water to a boil and fill a large bowl with ice water. Using a sharp knife, mark a shallow X in the bottom of each peach. Cara Cormack Blanch the peaches in the boiling water for about 1 minute, until the skins begin to loosen...