That’s the first instance anyone can think of where a drone was just programmed to look for certain types of targets, and found them. “Drones really will change the nature of warfare” The Turks make very good drones and are selling them all over the place at present. Poland has ...
There’s the legendaryMoleskine, but you don’t have to spend so much money on a notebook. There are other similar products available that have the same purpose. A notebook is an ideal place to carry all the needed information about your travel plan, but it’s also good to take notes ...
Thanks to industrialization, we have a cloth or rag somewhere nearby, buried in an old drawer or conveniently hanging on a hook or rack. Unfortunately, backpackers usually don’t have this option. Because they are constantly going from place to place and because they are living out of a ...
Los Angeles is the least interesting thing about No Age, but it's still the easiest place to start. Harder to put into words is the way Randy Randall and Dean Spunt pack ear-splitting guitar textures, raucous punk energy, and even some memorable little tunes into their first proper album...
Why You Should Read It:The debate itself, as pertinent today as it was when it took place in 1972, is now wrapped up in a small clothbound edition with a foreword by Rick Poynor. As Michael Bierut put it: “[It’s] the graphic design book of the year.” ...