The crossbow excels as both a self-defense weapon and a hunting weapon.But as survival sites, we tend to look at things with an eye toward “worst-case” SHTF-type scenarios.That’s why I like this video from Canadian Prepper.He does a nice job laying out all the survival ...
Cobra System Self Cocking Pistol If you’re used to firing a pistol, then you’re going to feel right at home with the Cobra System K-8025 model hunting crossbow. There’s a lower-grade of power here, and you’re paying the lowest price of any crossbow on our list. This is the b...
When it comes to choosing the right type of ammo for your rifle, there are many things to consider: The most important factor is the intended use of the rifle. Are you using it for hunting, target shooting, or self-defense? Each one of these will require a different type of ammunition...
Like other armaments, secondary weapons are separated into different categories. Each class presents a different type of playstyle, so understanding what they do can help you decide on one to get. Here are all the secondary weapon types in the game: Crossbow Burst/Charge Dual Pistols Auto Auto...
This tactical self-cocking crossbow from Ace Martial Arts is popular among hunters for many reasons. Its compact design, for instance, is convenient. Storing it and traveling with it over long distances is very easy. It also has a comfortable pistol grip design with a modest 80-pound draw....
They also benefit muzzleloader and crossbow shooters, who often deal with severe drop over distance. MOA MOA stands for “minute of angle.” In this context, a “minute” is a tiny portion of an angle. If you purchase an MOA scope, this means the crosshairs will have hash marks that ...
A unique piece for those seeking something different. While some users question the springs’ actual utility and debate if it has more in common with ahunting crossbowor even a compound bow, its uniqueness in the market makes it worth exploring. ...
Hunting With a Crossbow for Beginners Hurricane Irma Disaster – A Huge Damage to the Economy Hurricane Preparation Tips For Families And Homeowners I I Get Knocked Down, But I Get Up Again… I’m Married To A Prepper . . . What Do I Do Now?
Father’s Pistol (Level 8)— Replaces Kate’s crossbow with a pistol with three charges. Liquidator’s Tenacity (Level 8)— Lets her drain Shadow Energy even if her attacks are blocked. Residual Shadow Energy (Level 10)— Increases her Shadow Power for each time she enters Sha...
Modern semi-automatic pistol. A short-barreled weapon for self-defense. Arming the police, special units and the army. Isolate on A modern bolt-action sniper rifle with a telescopic sight sits on a bipod. Weapon for long-range shooting. Armament of the army Hand hold new joystick isolated....