not for worrying about it. The advice I would give my 18-year-old self about worrying is this: do your best and everything will just be fine.
Let us know your favorite piece of life advice you ever received in the comment section below. What are the benefits of reading these pieces of life advice? Sometimes life advice can be hard to take. But, most often, hearing any kind of advice gives you at least some benefit. Life advic...
They can provide the courage to face a bully, the inspiration to fall in love, even the urge to call in sick for an epic day off. And when it comes to movie advice, the 1980s sure did it right. Here are our top 10 pieces of life advice from classic 1980s movies. Learn it, ...
The Best Advice in Life These short pieces of advice are easy to memorize. You can hang them on your refrigerator, put them in your car, use them in journaling, or put them in your wallet. The best way to approach advice is to really let it soak in and marinate in the words for a...
In this article, we’ve compiled a list of 50 tips onhow to be successful at work, not just ina financial sensebut in a more holistic way that touches your happiness, self-esteem and overall satisfaction. Here’s some of the best career advice we’ve come across!
When I was growing up one of the best pieces of advice that was given to me by my parents was to “be nice to people on the way out because you are sure to meet them on the way down.” My best life advice Basically what the underlying meaning of this advice is that in life ther...
1Everyone wants to live a better lifeHere are the five best pieces of advice we can give you★Eat less CRAP and eat more FOOD That's right-eat better. For our bodies and minds, it all begins with what we put in our mouths every day. You can work out all you want, but all the...
as you might be thinking about what you want to achieve in 2020, here are 10 pieces of advice I can offer. I can’t guarantee these will work for everyone, but I believe adopting these philosophies and practices has helped me in my own career, and it certainly comes from an honest ...
A related piece of advice: seek out practitioners who are trauma-informed. Ask them if necessary. The Reason: We are largely encouraged in our culture to ignore our body’s signals, to disconnect from what our bodies are telling us that they need. One of the primary ways to work through...
The most insightful and transformative pieces of advice we published on the Review in 2017, curated for your perusal and continued excellence. Relevant to everyone working in tech, not just founders.Hide Outline 1. Start every day at zero. 2. Hire product managers that act like chefs or ...