Our carefully curated directory is for anyone looking for the best psychics and mediums in the UK and Ireland. We also help find UK-based mediums and clairvoyants in and around London, Birmingham, the greater Manchester area, Glasgow, Newcastle, Sheffield, Leeds, Liverpool and in Lancashire. ...
Centuries ago, when New England was dominated by Puritans, Salem gained notoriety for its witchcraft trials. Nearly 400 years later, witches are still alive inSalemas thisMassachusettscity throws a month-long Halloween party. Psychics, witches, warlocks, ghosts and goblins haunt the city for the ...
Haruhi Suzumiya is a bit weird. She claims to be recruiting aliens, time travelers and psychics to join her club: The SOS Brigade. Kyon, the guy who sits in front of her, doesn’t want anything to do with her, but gets dragged into the mix anyway. By Justin Wu, Jordan and Mary A...