Ease of Use: I wanted to see how easy each phone service is to use. I tried setting them up and using them myself. I also looked for how easily you can add and manage contacts and set up call forwarding. I made sure voicemail is easy to use, and that non-techy users can set it...
Need a professional, user-friendly business phone app for your team? In this guide, we compare features of the top 10 options in 2025.
My phone rang at all hours, I had no way to separate personal and work calls, and worst of all, I had no professional voicemail or call routing options. As my businesses grew, so did the need for a better solution. If you’re running a small business, then you’ve probably faced si...
Quickly provision phone numbers, track activity, and connect to the tools you already use. Try for free I've finally found the unicorn phone system that does everything OpenPhone is extremely easy to use. We have a 6 person office routing calls to two companies and the combination of simpl...
Professional voicemail greetings can make all the difference when it comes to making a good impression on customers and other contacts. Here are examples tailored for business use that you can customize for your own needs: Welcome to [business name]. We’re currently unavailable, but if you lea...
And while there’s a one-second minimum for automatic and on-demand call recording, there’s no stated maximum. Phone call features on all plans include unlimited domestic calling, HD video meetings, integrations with Google and Microsoft, and visual voicemail. Toll-free minutes, shared across ...
To compile our ratings for best business phone systems, U.S. News & World Report researched 41 companies and, after evaluating them on criteria including price per user and the option to have a physical phone, we created subratings for small businesses (defined as companies with fewer than 50...
Or, you can choose a brand new business phone number. With Ooma Office, you have many options: a local number by area code, a number with repeating digits, toll free numbers, and vanity business phone numbers. Get Your Business Phone Number ...
With Hushed’s pay-as-you-go plan, you can dial numbers outside the US and Canada. Plus,use an eSIM card to use your mobile number outside the country. Hushed also offers standard second phone number features like custom voicemails, SMS and MMS texting, and call forwarding. You don’t...
A custom voicemail for your new phone number. with a personalized voicemail greeting.AI powered SLYNUMBER is AI powered SlyAI utilizes the best AI technology available. It is your personal conversation companion conveniently embedded in the SLYNUMBER app. Just ask and it will answer. It offers ...