In Skyfall, the 23rd addition to the James Bond franchise, Bond (Daniel Craig) is believed to be dead after a failed mission in Istanbul. However, when M (Judi Dench), head of MI6, becomes the target of a cyber-terrorist with a personal vendetta, Bond returns from his presumed dem...
Get up close and personal with beloved actors Jeffrey Dean Morgan (The Walking Dead) and Hilarie Burton Morgan (One Tree Hill) as they invite viewers into their idyllic New York home for candid conversations alongside a rotating roster of celebrity friends, loved ones, neighbors in the heartwarm...
Critics Consensus: Shirkers uses one woman's interrogation of a pivotal personal disappointment to offer affecting observations on creativity, lost opportunity, and coming to terms with the past. Synopsis: In 1992 teenager Sandi Tan shoots Singapore's first road movie with her enigmatic American men...
This is important because a tell-tale trait of Detroit-style pizza is a layer of well-done cheese around the edges. Professional kitchens rely on LloydPans’ pizza pans to get their pies perfect, and this gift can give that opportunity to the curious chef in your life. Best cake pan: ...
2, plus any DLC they got, into one delicious package. As we mentioned, this game puts you in the role of a chef who needs to fill different orders by preparing and combining different ingredients on a timer. That sounds simple enough, but the trick is that the kitchens you’re cooking...
for them both. beyond the personal touches, will & harper is a timely view of what america looks like for a trans person right now, making it possibly one of the most important documentaries netflix has produced. watch on netflix his three daughters as their father approaches the end of ...
There’s a food hall, pool bar, Intelligentsia Coffee lounge, Sunken Lounge, Connie Cocktail Lounge, and even a Paris Cafe by celebrity chef Jean-Georges Vongerichten (the mastermind behind the food atWaldorf Astoria Beverly Hills). There are over 500 hotel rooms and 16 different room/suite ca...
Pierre Thiam had me at "okra." When I met the Senegal-born chef a few years back at the inaugural Food & Wine Family Reunion, I heard him wax rhapsodic about my favorite vegetable. I ended up flashing my tattoo of red pods and flowers, and realized I'd found a kindred soul. Little...
36 Hours in Detroit - The New York Times. 36 Hours in Dubai - "Dubai is impossible to ignore. As its leaders and property developers proudly trumpet, the city-state along the Persian Gulf has the world’s highest building (the Burj Khalifa), the world’s tallest hotel (JW Marriott Marqu...
Director at Berlin), starring Juliette Binoche as a happily remarried woman whose love for her ex is rekindled when he reappears in her husband’s life, is one of her greatest films, blending Denis’s characteristic impressionism with a fevered romanticism that feels achingly personal and new....