The long-running Canadian teen soap returns with a new group of students, facing issues like mental health, gender identity, and online harassment. With its realistic portrayal of the teenage experience and willingness to tackle tough subjects, this series continues to resonate with viewers who appr...
A Canadian and an Irish woman uncover their shared lineage as half-sisters, leading them on a quest to locate their estranged, alcoholic father. Amidst laughter and heartache, the duo's journey takes them on an unforgettable road trip adventure. Premiered: March 30, 2023 Also ranks #25 on ...
The Canadian online broker can keep your information safe from being hacked, there are steps that can be taken to minimize vulnerability to fraud, and the CIPF will protect your assets from a company that is in trouble – but there are no guarantees when you invest in stocks, bonds, ETFs,...
Suzu, a 17-year-old with low self-esteem, has lost both her singing voice and her mother in a traumatic incident. However, she is eventually reeled into the digital world of U, where she begins performing again as the anonymous "Belle." As Belle becomes a virtual sensation, Suzu must d...
Amanda Muse Get Email Amanda Muse is a Canadian content creator who shares her life as a mother, offering relatable and candid advice on parenting. Kristina Kuzmic Get Email @kristinakuzmic Kristina Kuzmic is a motivational speaker and comedian wh...
The Canadian online broker can keep your information safe from being hacked, there are steps that can be taken to minimize vulnerability to fraud, and the CIPF will protect your assets from a company that is in trouble – but there are no guarantees when you invest in stocks, bonds, ETFs,...
Imperial Dade Expands Canadian Presence with Acquisition 3/15/2023 News & ViewsSurvey Shines Light on Spring Cleaning Trends 3/15/2023 News & ViewsStudent GoFundMe Raises $270K for Beloved Elderly Custodian 3/15/2023 Contracting Profits2023 BSC Market Report Shows Promising Industry Trends 3...
The Canadian online broker can keep your information safe from being hacked, there are steps that can be taken to minimize vulnerability to fraud, and the CIPF will protect your assets from a company that is in trouble – but there are no guarantees when you invest in stocks, bonds, ETFs,...
The Canadian online broker can keep your information safe from being hacked, there are steps that can be taken to minimize vulnerability to fraud, and the CIPF will protect your assets from a company that is in trouble – but there are no guarantees when you invest in stocks, bonds, ETFs,...
Born and raised in Mission, British Columbia, Jepsen pursued musical theatre at the Canadian College of Performing Arts in Victoria, BC. After completing her studies, she relocated to Vancouver and later competed on the fifth season of Canadian Idol in 2007, placing third. In 2008 Jepsen ...