Roald Dahl’s beloved tale comes back to the screen in this live-action adaptation that casts Alisha Weir as the titular, precocious young girl whose intelligence and strange abilities are put to good use while trying to forge her own path and survive in a world of self-absorbed, naive, an...
as each shot that connects to a cultist or explosive object lets you choose its next path. Trial and error to find the right path gets increasingly complex as the game adds new magic bullet effects like the ability to slightly arc a shot as it travels, or even reverse direction in mid-...
“Although she might be a weak human, she has a strong soul” is the general opinion about Nanami. Landing herself the position of a land god as well as a foxy boy, she tries to use her position in order to unite yokai and humans. She even catfished her friend in that pursuit. ...
Another great get for fantasy fans on a budget,Path of Exileis a free-to-playdungeon crawlerthat has you battling monsters and completing quests in exchange for experience points and powerful loot. You play as an Exile forced to survive on the dark continent of Wraeclast, where you’ll set...
Based on the popular Japanese comic by Tite Kubo, Bleach follows Ichigo Kurosaki, a moody teen who turns into a Soul Reaper through a twist of face and brave sacrifice. By day, he must endure all the drama inherent in high school. By night, he—with the help of his pestering mentor ...
through forests and to mountain peaks as you discover what has become of the ruined kingdom of Hyrule in this stunning open-air adventure. Explore the wilds of Hyrule any way you like - Climb up towers and mountain peaks in search of new destinations, then set your own path to get there...
Within 30 minutes or so, you’ll be done – and almost certainly in jail. On subsequent playthroughs, you’ll fast realise Overboard is about taking notes, chipping away at a solution to find a path to freedom. Getting to the elusive full-fat win condition (no jail; new life; stinking...
Every painful admission of sexual desire, emotional deficiency, and romantic suffering is compounded by the cherubic plucking of a harp or a soul-severing string crescendo. When she raps, you can feel her claws protracting, muscles tightening in defense against the man coming for her heart. But...
10 Best Under-the-Radar Trips for 2020 - "There have always been reasons to travel off the beaten path, from the noble (self-discovery and transformation) to the mundane (bragging rights and…let’s not even use the I-word). Mostly, it’s a proper escape from the everyday in an inc...
Finding Soul on the Path of Orisa: A West African Spiritual Tradition, by Tobe Melora Correal There are many books on Orishas, Ifa, and Lucumi, which emphasize their unique characteristics along with rituals and colors. However, this one from Tobe Melora Correal is a bit different; it focus...