每年,JIPB都会精心策划并举办“JIPB Best Paper”评选活动,旨在表彰和鼓励在植物科学领域作出杰出贡献的研究者们。我们非常荣幸地宣布2022年度和2023年度 JIPB Best Paper获奖文章及作者名单! 评选遵循严格而科学的标准,JIPB编委会和编辑团队...
Global Public Policy and Governance - Find out the Winners: the Best Paper Awards 2023 of GPPG Global Public Policy and Governance (GPPG) announced the “2023 Best Paper Award”. The award committee consisted of four editorial board members: Evan Berman (Chair of the committee) from FGV, ...
会上,博士生吴昊作为同济大学智能设计与建造团队(AIDC)的一员,获得2023 Young CAADRIA Award,同时,撰写的论文《Extrusion-to-Masoning: Robotic 3D Concrete Printing of Concrete Shells as Building Floor System》获得CAADRIA Best Paper A...
Best Paper Awards Best Student Paper Agree to Disagree: When Deep Learning Models With Identical Architectures Produce Distinct Explanations Matthew S Watson (Durham University); Bashar Awwad Shiekh Hasan (Amazon); Noura Al Moubayed (University of Durham) Best Algorithm Paper Hole-robust wireframe Dete...
We are pleased to announce the winners of the Actuators 2023 Best Paper Award. All papers published in 2021 in Actuators were considered for the award. After a thorough evaluation of the originality and significance of the papers, citations, and downloads, three winners were selected.isaoabe...
MDPI is proud to present the 2023 Best Paper Awards, recognizing high-quality papers of significant scientific merit and impact. Each year, the editors of our journals carefully select the winning papers of significant scientific merit and impact. This year, a total of 115 Best Paper Awards ...
[Chengdu, China, May 12, 2023] This year's Panda Forum on Power and Energy (PandaFPE 2023) saw Huawei win two awards for Best Paper and Best Report. Out of 700 papers, "EneversE: An Innovative Ternary Framework for Carbon Neutrality towards Future Energy", published by Huawei's Electric...
Each year, an Awards Committee chaired by Professor Fulvia Quagliotti evaluates candidate papers to choose the best paper in terms of originality, novelty, technical soundness and presentation. An Awards Certificate is presented to the winners at the next conference. ...
PAPER AWARDS:奖项的目的主要是通过表彰发表在ASME期刊上的优秀论文来促进机械工程领域的高质量研究及杰出贡献。评选标准: 贡献的基本价值; 预期的档案价值(例如,预期的引用次数); 与机械工程的实际相关性; 演讲质量。 希望本次ASME期刊最佳论文奖的精选文章能够为相关领域的学者和研究人员带来更多有价值的参考,也期待...
1.Best Paper Award 2.Best Student Paper Award 3.Best Application Paper Award All the Best Paper Awards will present on the conference on October 8 and 10, online or offline.The offline conference schedules are as following:ITSC 2022 Best Paper Awards Committee:Ljubo Vlacic Griffith University, ...