INTP and INTJ These two types fall in the “blue zone” of the compatibility chart. They share nearly identical world views, values, interests, and life philosophies. They can also relate a lot to each other. Relationship INTPs and INTJs both long for romantic partners with a cerebral, int...
In fact, as an INFJ myself, I’d say sometimes all I need is for someone to tell me not to give so much thought to what others will think if I do X instead of Y. In return, you can open up space for your INTJ partner to feel more comfortable getting in touch with their ...
typedef pair<int,int> PII; int n,A,B; vector<PII>f[2][52]; bool vis[52]; int a[2][52]; queue<int>Q; void SPFA(bool k){//k=0,shortest,k=1,longest for(int i=1;i<=n;i++)a[k][i]=(k?1:3),vis[i]=1,Q.push(i); ...
for(int i=1;prime[i]*prime[i]<=x;i++){ if(x%prime[i])continue; ll cnt=0; while(x%prime[i]==0)x/=prime[i],cnt++; if(pd.find(prime[i])!=pd.end())res-=cnt; else res+=cnt; } if(x>1){ if(pd.find(x)!=pd.end())res--; ...
This device is part of the Project Runway line of units that are portable, easy to use one of the top ten best sewing machines for making clothes on the market today. The 70 stitch selections that come with the Brother can cover any project from detailed stitching on a pair of skinny je...
fun._ZNSt8_Rb_treeISsSsSt9_IdentityISsESt4lessISsESaISsEE16_M_insert_uniqueISsEESt4pairISt17_Rb_tree_iteratorISsEbEOT_ = 0xc5a36d3d f = 0xc5a38701 f = 0xc5a2df71 f sym....
INTJs don’t just read. They analyze, ponder, and absorb every word like a sponge. Forget mushy romance novels; something with intellectual heft is better suited for an INTJ. Understanding INTJ Reading Preferences and Book Selections INTJs are big-picture thinkers. They zoom out from the detai...
INTJs don’t just read. They analyze, ponder, and absorb every word like a sponge. Forget mushy romance novels; something with intellectual heft is better suited for an INTJ. Understanding INTJ Reading Preferences and Book Selections INTJs are big-picture thinkers. They zoom out from the detai...
vector< pair<int,int> > ans; for(i = 1; i <= n; i++) { for(j = 1; j <= m; j++) { if(check[mp[i][j]] != 1) continue; for(k = 0; k < 8; k++) { int x = i + fx[k]; int y = j + fy[k]; if(x < 1 || y < 1 || x > n || y > m) conti...
Find(x - 1), fb = B.Find(x); cnt -= B.Get(fa) + B.Get(fb); B.merge(fa, fb); cnt += B.Get(fb), Max = max(Max, B.Get_max(fb)); } if(Max == -INF) return make_pair(cnt, 0); else return make_pair(cnt, Max); }...