An amped-up air fryer, this indoor/outdoor appliance is ideal for festive, delicious meals year-round. Our expert-recommended options make this cooker a keeper.
10 Electric Knives for Carving Meat Like a Boss Nosh With Your Eyes on These Cheese Boards The Best Potato Mashers for Smashing Spuds Hershey’s Just Created a 3.4-Pound Reese’s Pie Why You Need an Outdoor Air Fryer for Thanksgiving ...
but for the whole-turkey challenge, it's worth it. The kit includes an 11-gallon fryer that can accommodate up to a 25-pound turkey, burner stand that attaches to any standard propane cylinder, and a perforated inner basket for draining the turkey, along with all the accessories needed: i...
An amped-up air fryer, this indoor/outdoor appliance is ideal for festive, delicious meals year-round. Our expert-recommended options make this cooker a keeper.