Check out ourZero Tolerance Knives, which features American stainless S30-V steel with tungsten DLC coating. Need a rugged and reliable assisted-opening knife that blends style and functionality? You’ll love ourBenchmade KnivesBarrage, Emissary and Subrosa Matthew Lerch Design folding knives. They’...
You may be interested to learn where today's popular folding knife brands are produced. Our handyinfographicbelow shows the countries in which our favorite pocket knife brands produce their knives. It's great to see the USA is still favored by many of the top brands, but the best folding k...
Coming in at over ten inches long when fully opened, the Bushman is probably one of the largest folding knives I have ever carried. For years now, I have used this knife in all manners of tasks, and I am still amazed that it feels like a fixed blade when I’m using it. It was ...
Benchmade is a well-known name amongst knife enthusiasts because of the knives’ build-quality, durability, and made-in-the-U.S.A. label. The brand makes ultra-tactical folding knives as well as fixed blades to handle the rigors of pretty much any outdoor pursuit. They also have an exten...
Here we're taking a close look at some of the best side openingautomatic folding kniveson the market today. We’ll try and hit on the bigger names and popular models, and give some insight on what might be the best choice for your use. ...
Tags:kershaw bel air,kershaw iridium,kershaw knives,kershaw livewire Kershaw knives are a favorite among knife enthusiasts for delivering top-notch quality without the hefty price tag. But with so many great options to choose from, it can be tough to pick the perfect one. That’s where this ...
The fact that it’s lightweight in the hand. Great blade steel. And it just looks so darn good in all black. Easily the best purchase I’ve made on a knife."Shop Spyderco PM3 Knives3. Kershaw Mini NatrixKershaw’s Natrix model lives within their lineup of folding knives as the ...
For the best EDC flippers that open easily, one-handed or assisted, Knife Art carries high quality folding knives from Zero Tolerance,Benchmade Knivesand LionSteel Knives. A flipper allows you to open a knife one-handed with a moments notice. Some of the flippers listed are full manual openers...
Navy SEALs tend to use military-issued knives that aren’t always available to the general public. However, some brands are often associated with Navy SEALs, including SOG, KA-BAR, and Toor knives. What is the best EDC folding knife?
41 Funny Valentine’s Day Gifts The Cuddliest Hugimals for Valentine’s Day 62 Valentine’s Day Gifts for Everyone You Love 60 Best Valentine’s Day Gifts for Your Wife Valentine’s Day Gifts for for Long-Term Couples 50 Sexy Gifts for V-Day That Keep on Giving ...