Set against the stunning backdrop of Montana, this drama explores the bond between two brothers and their minister father, who instills in them a love for fly-fishing and the natural world. The pursuit of this shared passion highlights the complex and often tense relationships that exist within...
Set against the stunning backdrop of Montana, this drama explores the bond between two brothers and their minister father, who instills in them a love for fly-fishing and the natural world. The pursuit of this shared passion highlights the complex and often tense relationships that exist within...
In New York – where Best Classic Bandsreviewedthem – the band was joined by Roger McGuinn who was in town to help induct Petty into the Songwriter’s Hall of Fame. On June 26 at the Fonda Theatre in Hollywood, CA,Stephen Stillswas the evening’s surprise guest. In introducing Stills, ...
There’s a reason that the 1970s are idolized, fetishisized and consistently namechecked by several generations of cinephiles: the sheer abundance of great movies that came out during that 10-year span, especially (but not exclusively) from American filmmakers. Looking back at the second golden ...
Stephen Stills’ acoustic ode to his then-squeeze Judy Collins made for a marked contrast to David Crosby’s thumping rocker. Isaac Hayes—Walk On By/By the Time I Get to Phoenix (1969) Isaac Hayes was one of the great songwriters in R&B music, co-penning a string of hits for Stax ...
1969: Crosby, Stills & Nash Atlantic Records Nominees: Chicago, Led Zeppelin, The Neon Philharmonic and Oliver Call it one of the first super groups. David Crosby (The Byrds), Stephen Stills (Buffalo Springfield) and Graham Nash (The Hollies) were all part of popular bands before teaming to...
Richie Furay lived in the shadows of Neil Young and Stephen Stills while with Buffalo Springfield. He sang on plenty of their songs, but often seemed to be crowded out of the songwriting. His highest charting vocal was the No. 82 1968 song "On the Way Home," released on a compilation ...
From Michael Jackson, Madonna, the Clash and Prince, 100 best albums of the Eighties selected by the editors of Rolling Stone.
Variety breaks down the best movies of all time, as determined by film critics. From Psycho to Parasite, these are the best films ever made.
This list of the best songs from the 60s is a loving tribute to some of the artists that made it a decade that changed music forever.