Beneath the Shadow is a Japanese movie that explores the depth of loneliness. The main character is a single gay man leading a monotonous life, until he befriends a rebellious coworker who adds excitement to his usual routine. However, his new friend proves to be an enigma, hiding his true...
Peter must revisit a foggy past in which he abandoned Neverland for family life, leaving Tinkerbell (Julia Roberts) and the Lost Boys to fend for themselves. Given their bitterness toward Peter for growing up -- and their allegiance to their new leader, Rufio -- the old gan...
With Christmas knocking at the door, it is time to feel festive and work on your secret santa gift ideas for coworkers, as a part of the age old Secret Santa gift exchange. This Christmas, whose name do you think you would draw? Would it be your best friend from work or someone you...
This sign-off can leave too much up to interpretation—does it imply the recipient needs luck, a task is too difficult, etc.? An inappropriate sign-off is just one kind of email mistake that can detract from your message. Failing to include a sign-off is another misstep to avoid. Ema...
When she repeats the line, “I hope that girl make the choice to leave him,” Liv.e is addressing the man’s girlfriend but also singing to the version of herself who needed to hear the same message. –Vrinda Jagota Most Popular News Lady Gaga Releases New Cover of “Santa Claus Is ...
Share these funny teamwork memes to share with your coworkers and do a collective sigh and eyeroll to. Or if these are too much, we have great coworker andwork memesfor sharing as well! Every Team at Work Let’s jump into the teamwork memes for work. Accurate description of most work...
unique birthday wish your person will never forget. Or maybe you want a deep, beautiful birthday message or poem that conveys your fondness for this person. This mega-list includes some of my fave birthday wishes for truly any scenario. Whatever tone you're going for, we can help you find...
1. “Cherish every moment of this time and revel in this new stage of your life. Happy retirement!” This retirement message pairs well with:TheMindfulness Boxis a great “good luck” gift that features delicious and nutritious treats for a healthy retirement, a journal to jot down their th...
Hi, Brinda. “Greetings” is more likely to be a message opener than a close. I wouldn’t use it at the end of an email. Vaibhav, I am sorry I missed your message. “Thanks and regards” is acceptable. However, I would prefer stating a sincere thank-you in a sentence rather than...
When my coworker switched sleeping positions, I didn’t feel his movement come over to my side of the bed.”— Marten, Lead Reviewer What We Love About the Nectar Memory foam mattresses tend to be on the softer side, but the Nectar provides a balanced firmness. This means that back ...