Set amidst the sweltering heat of Florida, the film revolves around a down-on-his-luck lawyer, portrayed by William Hurt, who becomes entangled in a torrid affair with the seductive wife of a wealthy businessman, played by Kathleen Turner. The duo plots to murder her husband for his fortune...
Nick and Audrey Spitz (Adam Sandler and Jennifer Aniston), years after the events of Murder Mystery, are now private investigators trying to get their business off the ground. To drum up some new clientele, they accept an invitation to a wedding on a private island where, as luck would hav...
During the last few years of the 1920s, the excitement was palpable as brilliant filmmakers pushed to unlock the medium’s full potential.Sunrisewas born of that ambition, as Fox brought German genius F.W. Murnau to Hollywood, where he and his cameramen used all the resources at their disp...
Scary Movie 2 Shawn Wayans, Marlon Wayans, Anna Faris 263 votes The outrageous horror parody series continues with this follow-up, which takes on haunted house films and delivers a relentless string of absurd, laugh-out-loud gags. The ensemble cast, led by Anna Faris, finds itself in a man...
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A domino effect of bad luck befalls her which places her life and her home in jeopardy. To make matters worse, her husband is cheating on her with someone at his work. However, she may just find the perfect man who comes into her life at just the right time to love and support her...
For our giant-sized countdown of erotic movies, we go deep into the annals of cinema history and pull out some prime ’80s sleaze (9 1/2 Weeks, Body Double), international and arthouse flicks (3-D Sex and Zen, Romance), LGBTQ-focused (Blue is the Warmest Color, Stranger by the ...
Part Of Polygon’s Best of the Year 2023 see all Making a collaborative list of the year’s best movies usually feels like trying to form a committee to definitively rank apples and oranges. How do you account for personal tastes? For access, when a given movie — er, fruit variety —...
In writer-director Radha Blank’s feature film debut, the auteur plays a version of herself. A down-on-her-luck New York playwright who can’t gain enough traction because her most recent play doesn’t emphasize “Black suffering” enough, Radha unearths a new artistic path after hearing ra...
His film, featuring the astonishing Marine Vacth (above), portraits the story of a 17-year old upper-class Parisian girl who takes the exploration of sexuality to a whole new level by secretly trying her luck as a call girl. Jeune et Jolie, not unlike most Ozon films, is a visual ...