With IFA 2023 drawing to a close, we’ve had a chance to check out some impressive tech from different manufacturers and brands, and needless to say it’s been an impressive IFA so far. As such, we’ve put together a list of some of the best products that caught our attention during ...
大疆多款新品受到展会官方与各大媒体的高度认可。最新发布的掌上Vlog无人机DJI Neo与电助力系统DJI Avinox获得由多家权威媒体颁布的共计20余项“Best of IFA”奖项。
IFA 2023 is a massive show, and a lot of companies brought some seriously cool stuff for us to see. We got to go hands-on with a lot of these products during our time at the event, and we're here to show you some of our favorites. From gaming PCs you can take anywhere to some...
🏆🏆BEST OF #IFA2023# 祝贺我们的#TECNO# 和#TECNOAIoT# 多款产品斩获IFA官方多项#国际大奖# 。 获奖包括TECNO MEGABOOK系列笔记本,TECNO PHANTOM及POVA系列智能手机,以及旗舰TWS耳机等。👇点击图片,一起放大...
IFA has officially kicked off and here are some of Phandroid’s winners of the event based on what we’ve already seen so far.
IFA展上华为血压表HUAWEI WATACH D表现亮眼,共斩获了Tech Radar、 Yanko Design、Phone Arena、Android Authority、Newsweek、Ubergizmo五家全球权威媒体“Best of IFA 2022”的奖项认可与赞赏。其中Tech Radar评论HUAWEI WATCH D是“开创性的可穿戴技术”,赞扬它的外观和血压监测系统技术。Stuff媒体体验后更是发表...
德国时间9月,传音旗下TECNO品牌携AIoT新品类首次亮相2022年德国柏林国际消费电子展(IFA),正式发布首款笔记本电脑MEGABOOK T1。展会期间,TECNO展台吸引众多参观者驻足,新品类产品收获4项“Best of IFA”奖项认可。 本次展会期间,TECNO发布首款笔记本电脑MEGABOOK系列T1,荣获IFA主办方指定科技媒体Andriod Authority、Make Us...
内容摘要快科技9月9日消息,柏林国际电子消费品展览会(IFA 2024)上,大疆携航拍无人机、手持摄影设备、电助力系统、户外电源、商用产品与解决方案的最新产品亮相。近日发布的掌上无人机DJI Neo、电助力系统DJI Avinox及搭载该系统的全地 快科技9月9日消息,柏林国际电子消费品展览会(IFA 2024)上,大疆携航拍无人机...
IFA 2023: Wrapped And, just like that, another year at IFA is done and dusted. The show has been fantastic this year, delivering some outstanding tech, all of which you have just read about. No matter what you're looking for, the brands at IFA have done themselves proud, dropping some...
IFA brings tons of new tech to check out every September, and we're on the ground once again this year to go hands-on with what's available at the show. Here are our selections of the best products from IFA 2024—and why they caught our attention. ...