Either way, the titular toucan and robin duo, voiced by Tiffany Haddish and Ali Wong respectively, are back for another adventure through cruddy adulthood. With her head full of doubts over her career and the lingering effects of sexual assault, Bertie auditions a series of therapists as she c...
Papoose Says He's Requested Divorce "Numerous Times," Remy Ma Exposes His "GF" Claressa Shields Mets’ Steve Cohen Sells Brooklyn, Syracuse Clubs in Wake of Soto Deal You May Also Like Berlin International Film Festival Unveils First Gala Screenings ...
Genre-blending standouts include the infectious vocal performance on the opening track and main single, “Cream Soda”; an energetic R&B-pop blend in “Regret It”; soaring synth-pop on “Cinderella”; and the seductive-but-mellow vibe of buzz track “Hear Me Out.” — J.O. 11 JOO...
The singer’s third studio album is fast becoming one of the albums of summer 2024—with hits like “Lunch,”“Birds of a Feather,” and “Chihiro” leading the way. As Vogue writer Suzy Exposito wrote in her review, it’s the “uninhibited Billie we’ve been waiting for”; her ear-...
47: Cream: Wheels Of Fire (1968) A double-album recorded between July 1967 and April 1968,Wheels Of Fireis a representative slice ofCreamat their best. With Disc One recorded live (at Winterland Ballroom and Fillmore West) and Disc Two recorded at Atlantic Studios in New York, it is cle...
the backing massed girly chorus bleeding in from aGleeouttake. All almost worth it for the final sustained note.Ruby Trax, from where it comes, is a stupendously hit-and-miss triple album wherein the cream of ’90s UK indie play pop to celebrate 40 years of the New Musical Express, aka...
album,Room 25,sought solace from violence and inequality, her second album,Sundial,is interrogating itself and its audience as much as anything else. The satirical “Hold Me Down” balks at the depravity of racist, capitalist systems but also prods people who get too cozy with the notion ...
The members of this UK band have excellent punk names like Clottie Cream and Rosy Bones and they sing about modern rubbish like climate change and anxiety meds, channeling their angst into songs that call recall the dreamier side of post-punk (bands like the Raincoats and Oh-Ok), mixing ...
Bono brought tapes of a newly recorded number, "Silver and Gold"; too good to pass up, the song was tacked onto the completed album, although the title never made it onto the original cover credits because the artwork was already finished. "It's kind of a country-blues song," Bono ...
The protagonists exploring the record are those living lives considered antiquated, dealing with the impact of the second-shift (“Window Shades”) and eventually considering children to be foes (“Navy & Cream”). Instead of making an album that critiques the family dynamic and attacks ...