This late jazz singer, nicknamed "Lady Day," was renowned for her emotive voice, deeply personal song interpretations, and ability to convey heartache and pain through her music. As a bisexual woman of color during the 1930s-1950s, she faced significant challenges but persevered to become one...
It’s time to get glammed up for an assignation at this Greek Street cocktail destination. Neighbourhood is the kind of place where a quick one turns into a night working your way through the menu in a place that has a real buzz until the wee hours. ...
It’s kind of a running theme when talking about the best jazz clubs in Chicago, but Jazz Showcase has also been running for more than half a century! Since 1947, this historic Jazz Listening Room has hosted most of the legends of jazz includingDizzy Gillespie,Rahsaan Roland Kirk, Roy Har...
For the socks’ second version, Near Earth dialed in the fit. We found the first version a little baggy in the heel and constrictive around the toes. That’s no longer the case; now there’s comfortable stretch throughout the entire footbed. And, during some unseasonably warm and rainy ...
Beneficence & Jazz Spastiks: Summer Night Sessions (Ill Adrenaline) Rapper Rahim Muhammad, from New Jersey, eighth album since 2004, with earlier efforts going back to 1991. First I've heard from him, but he sounds familiar, reminding me of groups like Downtown Science and the Perceptionists...
Blockhead made his name in the turn-of-the-century underground NYC rap scene by sampling from a wide range of genres—experimental jazz, film scores, classical musicians from India—and adding heavy drums, crafting gripping soundscapes that could sound either eerie or playful. Yet his latest solo...
Brian Sanderson: A must for any trip to Minneapolis! Blueberry pancakes are amazing! Tom K.: Get the hash. The blueberry pancake are awesome. Don't forget the Spike Omelet. Chee Yi Ong: One of the best breakfast spots that I've been to. The inside of the building can get pretty wa...
Its songs are torch ballads and highway anthems with a live band that feels borne of late night jam sessions, raw and unglamorous. For Lambert, redemption comes from buying a cheap pair of plastic sunglasses, by spending late nights alone at the bar, in knowing that she alone controls her...
If you could care less what your weights look like then the ProsourceFit variety may be your jam. These weights are of the get-it-done variety. No frills, hardcore, created for a purpose. However, because of the emphasis on functionality, these ankle weights are also among the best on ...
Be one of the first to check out the newest addition to the Manhattan skyline atThe Edge— one of thebest places to take pictures in NYC! This observation deck is not for the faint of heart. Rising 1,100 feet over the city, this skydeck juts out from the rest of the building, maki...