Spice and Wolf (CTC, 2008) is a Japanese fantasy adventure anime series based on the light novels written by Isuna Hasekura and illustrated by Ju Ayakura from Imagin animation studio. Kraft Lawrence, a traveling merchant, peddles various goods from town to town with the help of a wolf deity...
Don't come looking here for lots of fiction novels, though – here we mainly focus on gorgeous behind-the-scenes accounts, must-have tie-in books, in-depth franchise recaps and fascinating showbiz stories, as recommended by Digital Spy. A dedicated Marvel or Star Wars fan in need of some...
Lydia Wang is the love & life editor at Women’s Health, where she writes and edits stories about all things sex, relationships, queerness, and sex tech. Her debut romance novel,Here For The Wrong Reasons, was published this year. ...
Baek Dohu is a college student whowrites BL novelson the side, and his favorite character archetype is trashy, manipulative scumbags. When he finds out that the nice guy Juheon is actually a jerk, Dohu becomes obsessed with making him his muse for his novel. While Juheon starts off as...
From fantasy series to classic literature, these are the best, most popular, and steamiest romance novels and books to read of all time for adults in 2024.
Official site of Jay Bell, author of Something Like Summer, Kamikaze Boys, and other delightfully gay novels, short stories, and audio books. Email ***@hotmail.com Twitter Followers 5.3KInstagram Followers 22.9K Frequency 1 post/year Domain Authority 32 Read Now Get Email Contact 47. Gay...
The Best Latin American Novels John King, Literary Scholar Buy now Listen now The Golden Notebook by Doris Lessing Read expert recommendations “Always in the past, the sexy heroines of men’s books have been idiots, but she asserted through her character of Anna that women were brains ...
This will be my first book by Pons and I’m so game. Here’s hoping it comes out on top as one of the best gay romance novels! Buy on Amazon Try by Ella Frank For Logan Mitchell, men and women alike fall into his bed. He lives by one motto—if something interests you, why not...
These sex games aren't garbage. Read on to find some of the best sex sims, visual novels, and experimental games on PC.
The Best Novels by Men in 2010.The article presents answers related to a question about the 2010 best novels by men in 2010.CROSSENCYNTHIAEBSCO_bspWall Street Journal Eastern Edition