Sorata Kanda is a high school student who is forced to live in a dorm for eccentric students called the Sakura Dormitory. He meets Mashiro Shiina, a talented artist who struggles with basic life skills, and becomes her caretaker while she pursues her dream of becoming a manga artist. As th...
I love reading fantasy, paranormal and basically all things YA with a hint of romance, but I also enjoy reading New Adult, Classics and sometimes Adult novels. I strongly believe that books are the perfect companions and all the therapy you need when you want to escape from reality and ...
Why Do Students Enjoy Novels Written In Verse? One of the reasons students are attracted to novels in verse is due to theirnovelformat. Typically, when young adult readers open a book, they expect to see hundreds of words filling up the pages. This can be intimidating for many readers who...
Why we love it: Students may already know Roald Dahl from Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, Matilda, and other whimsical novels. But, this short story will challenge their opinion of Dahl. Encourage students to analyze the dramatic irony and discuss: Who is the innocent lamb in this story?
Lydia Wang is the love & life editor at Women’s Health, where she writes and edits stories about all things sex, relationships, queerness, and sex tech. Her debut romance novel,Here For The Wrong Reasons, was published this year. ...
along with several contemporary books that are extremely popular. Any list on the best books for teenagers should include timeless classics likeTo Kill a MockingbirdandThe Catcher in the Rye.Just becuase high school students may be assigned these works in English class doesn't mean the books will...
Why we love it: Students already know Dahl from his whimsical (if slightly dark) novels likeMatildaandCharlie and the Chocolate Factory, but this short story will show students another side of the author. Talk about the story and how versatile an author can be. ...
根据第一段关键句“Your middle schoolers may be “reading up” and turning to the classics at school. That’s all the more reason to let your kids enjoy graphic novels at home.”(你的中学生在学校里可能正在“研读”和致力于经典著作。这就更有理由让你的孩子在家里欣赏图画小说。)可知,这里的“...
Another much-assigned novel for high school students,Watership Downis an allegory heavy with meaning, starring...a warren full of rabbits, who develop their own intricate society. 29 | Charlotte's Web by E.B. White HarperCollins Year released:1952 ...
Education Novels Kindle Edition 1 offer from$3.99 #10 The 5-Paragraph Essay Mastery : A Teen Writer's Workbook: A Workbook for Teens, Providing Step-by-Step Guidance on How to Write a 5-Paragraph Essay (Young Writer 2) Dr. Fanatomy ...