VALORANToffers a wide variety of possibilities to customize your crosshair. Though small adjustments to your crosshair may seem like an insignificant detail, making sure you have the best crosshair in the game for you by customizing the right settings can prove to be important in helping you aim ...
TenZ’s Valorant crosshair code shouldn’t come as a surprise if you’ve scrolled down the list so far, and there certainly seems to be a recurring trend when it comes to the top players. If you haven’t got the hint already, this is a really effective crosshair for those of you wan...
The Phantom isVALORANT’smore subtle assault rifle, offering less recoil and no bullet tracers, making it ideal for close-range encounters. Phantom is seeing more usage now compared to previous years, and you can look good while tapping heads with a boatload of stellar cosmetics. Recommended Vi...
Valorant. The CS:GO wannabe is actually becoming a serious thing with all its funny visuals and easy gameplay. Ah, a perfect retirement home. Well, in honor of this new game growing in popularity and attracting the attention of millions, let’s look at some of the ex-CS:GO players buil...
24. Valorant (Image credit: Riot Games) Developer: Riot GamesPlatform(s): PC, PS5, Xbox Series X/S Valorant is Riot Games' attempt to take CS:GO's competitive FPS crown. It's like a mix of Valve's tactical shooter and Overwatch's over-the-top heroes. It is, at its heart, still...
The M4A4's high damage precision and recoil control make it the perfect assault rifle—well, almost. An ideal assault rifle for the boys in blue, the M4A4 is a prime choice for CT players who want a reliable assault rifle. It’s a highly accurate weapon with enough damage output to comp...
Crosshair position: Where your crosshair is when you’re not firing so the time to lock onto a target is as small as possible. Recoil control: How quickly you can reposition your weapon after firing or while holding down the “fire” button. Precision: How consistently close your crosshair ...
Crosshair position: Where your crosshair is when you’re not firing so the time to lock onto a target is as small as possible. Recoil control: How quickly you can reposition your weapon after firing or while holding down the “fire” button. ...
The parallels betweenCS:GOandVALORANTdon’t stop at gameplay. Various proCS:GOplayers have migrated toVALORANTover the years, seeking new challenges, greener pastures, and opportunities.There’s no shortage of big names who’ve made the switch, which speaks volumes to how well-receivedVALORANThas...