This daring, satirical black comedy takes a darkly humorous look at the ruthlessness of high school cliques and the challenges of fitting in. When the protagonist is unwittingly drawn into a violent revenge plot against her manipulative friends, the titular "Heathers," the film explores t...
Frasier is off to a city with new challenges, new relationships, and an old dream or two to fulfill. Premiered: October 12, 2023 Number of Seasons: 2 Also ranks #4 on The Best New TV Sitcoms of the Last Few Years Also ranks #7 on The Best TV Sitcoms Airing Now Also ranks #9 on...
There's certainly a lot going on—men are lured to a hotel where they are caught in an organ trafficking ring, but then must fight for their survival after a massive earthquake—but critics praised its complexity, intensity, and satirical elements, with some reviewers deeming it superior to ...
While you wait for the new season to premiere, fill the void with more shows like Euphoria streaming now on Hulu. Watch: Euphoria Game of Thrones Game of Thrones (GoT) is a fan-favorite mythical drama series chock-full of medieval knights, castles, dragons, and gory fight scenes where ...
Best original streaming show: GLOW Netflix GLOW Netflix has been in the game for a while now, launching its first original streaming series, House of Cards, in 2013. Since then, it has put out a slew of hits like Orange Is the New Black, The Umbrella Academy, Stranger Things, BoJack...
So, join the community of enthusiasts and cast your vote for the best new TV shows that have recently graced our screens. And after you've explored these gems, don't forget to discover the latest streaming delights for kids and the whole family, as well as the most compelling new...
With Keenan Ivory Wayans’s satirical film hits Hollywood Shuffle and I’m Gonna Git You Sucka in the bag, he turned his eye for parody to primetime TV. Envisioning a boundary-pushing sketch comedy series with a mostly PoC cast, In Living Color was born. Hoping to capture an array of co...
if you will, in both Hollywood and everyday life. While the imaginative story’s expansion to miniseries length is hard to visualize, with Yu himself onboard as showrunner and a strong cast led by Jimmy O. Yang,Interior Chinatowncould be a richly satirical, formally creative adaptation.—B....
From ‘Fallout’ to ‘The Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power,’ Amazon’s streaming service has something binge-worthy for every taste.
To help you stop scrolling and start streaming, Essentials has rounded up some of the best series and movies to watch this week, including brand new TV shows and big box-office films you might have missed in theaters. Essentials, Showtime and Paramount+ are all subsidiaries of Paramount. ...