Treading in the footsteps of classic horror anthologies, this series peels back the layers behind seemingly ordinary lives to uncover the sinister shadows lurking beneath. From the supernatural to psychological, each episode offers a thought-provoking glimpse into the dark recesses of human nature, whe...
Along with Black Mirror, American Horror Story is the biggest contributor to the rise of anthologies. Running the gamut of tropes, we've seen witches, cults, haunted hotels, and more. With each season taking on a different spooky narrative, the Ryan Murphy series is creepy, compellin...
The CrimeReads editors make their selections for the best crime anthologies released in 2023. * Shane Hawk and Theodore C. Van Alst Jr. (eds), Never Whistle at Night (Vintage) “Spine-tingling and suggestive storytelling. . . . Entertaining and thought-p
Best horror TV shows of the 21st century: "Twin Peaks," "Hannibal," "Evil," "Bates Motel," "American Horror Story," and more. Streaming.
The translator, poet and author of the best-selling Inspector Chen series,Qiu Xiaolong, says there is no one road when it comes to translating Chinese poetry. He chooses five anthologies that capture its magic. The best books onPoetry, recommended by Sinéad Morrissey ...
“video” may shift, but at heart, these movies are like classic short-story collections, the kind you might read by flashlight on a dark and stormy night. Like most anthologies, horror or otherwise, they can be hit or miss, though just about every one of the individual segments in the...
While few would argue that the fantasy horror series lost its way in later seasons, the first five are a nonstop thrill ride full of dirty sexy fun. Let's also not forget that it made a star out of Alexander Skarsgård, who quickly became a fan favorite for his performance as the ...
Anthologies are all the rage these days, from Ryan Murphy’s ever-expanding empire of miniseries to Joe Swanberg’s collection of romance shorts. Yet no program has taken advantage of the elasticity of anthology storytelling quite like Charlie Brooker’s Black Mirror, trading pet themes, genres,...
15 Best Science Fiction Anthologies 28 Best Science Fiction Detective Books 19 Best Zombie Books 15 Best Science Fiction Romance Books 23 Best Climate Change Science Fiction Books 21 Groundbreaking Science Fiction Novels 10 Great Science Fiction Authors That Used Pen Names ...
January 6, 2023 Director Gerard Johnstone Cast Allison Williams,Ronny Chieng, Kimberley Crossman Rating PG-13 Genres Thriller,Horror, Sci-Fi Read Our Review With all the horror aspects ofAnnabelleand a hint of the craziness ofDolls,M3GANhit theaters in 2022 with Gerard Johnstone as director and...