Grass Grass-type Pokemon are known for their ability to harness the power of plants and nature. They are often associated with healing and support abilities and are particularly effective against Water, Ground, and Rock types, but are weak against Fire, Ice, Poison, Flying, and Bug types. So...
The nature ofPokémon Gomeans you’ll be collecting tons of Pokémon all the time, and not all of them will be in your slate of battle-ready fighters. Many common Pokémon will just be readily available and pile up in your Pokémon box until you transfer them away. These Pokémon aren’t...
Note: I don’t know the Max IV code for starter Pokemon, egg, and given Pokemon. If anyone here knows, please share. I don’t want to raise a Pokemon unless it has good IV and Nature, and good IV is a lot harder to get than good Nature Walk Through Walls (Cheat type: GameShark...