Before you restock your mask supply, you’ll want to know the differences among the three most common types of respirators. Keep reading for more on where to buy real KN95, N95 and KF94 masks, how to spot fake ones and more. What’s the Difference Between Face Masks and Respirators?
This free calculator will help you figure out how efficient your face mask could be at stopping the spread of COVID-19—or how dangerous it is to go without one.
grocery stores and pharmacies) especially in areas of significant community-based transmission. The cloth face coverings recommended are not surgical masks or N-95 respirators.
Very popular mask among workers that use them daily. Comfortable. Exhale valve deflects hot breath downward. Compatible with wide range of commonly found 'bayonet' filters. Three sizes. Buy on Amazon w/o filters We think the professional half face respirators are a great but too-often-overloo...
Whichever style of gas mask or respirator you buy, make sure to consider the size of the potential wearer. Kids and those with small frames and faces don’t match up well with adult-size gas masks. You must have a mask that fits properly, as poor fitment can compromise the seal between...
Be able to be laundered and machine dried without damage or change to shape Keep in mind these face coverings are not surgical masks or the particulate-filtering N-95 respirators (you can find those here). Those are critical supplies that must continue to be reserved for health care worker...
No matter which option you choose, keep in mind that the masks you can make at home are not on the same level as medical-grade surgical masks or N-95 respirators. But cloth masks will help you to not spread your germs around to other people in public places. By making a mask at ho...