In this heartwarming comedy, Robin Williams delivers a memorable performance as a divorced father who disguises himself as a nanny to spend more time with his children. His strong desire to be a good father and maintain a meaningful relationship with his kids above all else makes this film an...
Brothers Mutta and Hibito Nanba have aspired to become astronauts since they witnessed a UFO as children. Years later, Hibito has become an astronaut while Mutta's career takes a downward turn, leaving him at a crossroads. As Mutta reignites his pursuit for space, he employs the support of ...
Mabozo Talking Flash Cards Learning Toys for 1-6 Years Old Boys Girls,Autism Sensory Toys for Autistic Children,Speech Therapy Toys,Learning Montessori Toys,224 Sight Words(Blue) Add $13.14current price $13.14Mabozo T...
my child does some of his stereotypy even while sleeping—active hand and body movements i see during the day. my autistic child is sleeping too much our bodies require a certain amount of sleep to perform adequately. the specific requirement varies by age, health status, and other factors. ...
Luck is among the best children's programs on Apple TV+, with a short titled Bad Luck Spot! about the film's loveable hazmat bunnies also on the streamer. —R.E. Where to watch Luck: Apple TV+ Director: Peggy Holmes Cast: Eva Noblezada, Simon Pegg, Jane Fonda, Whoopi Goldberg,...
focus on autistic children and young adults. The inevitability that people with autism are bound to face the responsibilities of adulthood is something that filmmakers often sidestep or overlook altogether. As a result, Hollywood movies depicting autistic youths tend to romanticize them, sometimes even...
Based on the bestselling novel, the apocalyptic thriller sees Amanda (Julia Roberts) and Clay (Ethan Hawke) take their children to a vacation home, only for GH (Mahershala Ali) and his daughter Ruth (Myha'la) to show up at midnight claiming to be the owners. This is the kick-off for...
When Lisa is not writing, she is usually reading with a cup of tea always at hand. Her grown children and grandchildren sometimes try and pry her away from the computer and have found that the best way to do it, is to promise her chocolate. Lisa will do anything for chocolate. ...