In this entertaining sequel to the screwball comedy classic, the sardonic spirits of the first film return to continue meddling in the life of their favorite uptight banker. This time, the ghosts lend their otherworldly assistance to solve a whodunit-style murder mystery, resulting in plenty of ...
Director Jonathan Lynn’sClueblends black comedy and mystery to create a cult classic that would go unappreciated for several years. The 1985 film takes place in an isolated mansion where six guests are invited for dinner, but soon discover that they are all being blackmailed by their mysterious...
A dark comedy meets mystery thriller, this series follows an unlikely friendship between two women who bond over their shared grief. Starring Christina Applegate and Linda Cardellini, the show skillfully weaves humor with emotional depth as secrets reveal a complicated web of lies and truths. Prem...
Directed by John Slattery, this black comedy follows Police Chief Jordan Sanders as he looks into the dual murders of two women, both named Maggie Moore, carried out a week apart. Meanwhile, we also get to see the insane plan of Jay Moore, who hires a deaf hitman to scare his wife, b...
If you're looking for a mystery movie with a side of murder and a good twist ending, look no further than our list of the best murder mystery movies — featuring more than a few detectives.
just. that. good. Somehow, the film manages to balance a slightly dark murder mystery with comedy and charm from the two protagonists. Add in subtle themes of racism and stereotyping with cutesy anthropomorphic animals, and you somehow get a kid-approved murder mystery masterpiece. ...
5.Glass Onion: A Knives Out Mystery (2022) Film Thrillers Photograph: Netflix The firstKnives Outwas a gloriously hammy tribute to the old-school murder mystery, a whodunnit that rehashed every cliché in the genre and had a grand time doing so. The follow-up modernises the details – ...
Comedy 'There's something I want to say that's always been very difficult for me to say: "I slit the sheet, the sheet I slit, and on the slitted sheet I sit".' Director:Carl Reiner Cast:Steve Martin, Bernadette Peters When people claim that certain movies ‘couldn’t get made today...
Related:The Greatest Mystery Movies of the 1990s 3My Cousin Vinny (1992) 20th Century Fox Among crime comedies,My Cousin Vinnywill probably always be a classic. After two young men from New York somehow stumble into trouble and stand trial for murder in Alabama, their cousin – newbie lawyer...
After his nephew Bill (Ralph Macchio) and his friend Stan (Mitchell Whitfield) are convicted of a murder they didn't commit in Alabama, Brooklyn lawyer Vinny Gambini (Joe Pesci) tries to defend them in this beloved courtroom comedy. Unbeknownst to Bill and Stan, however, Vinny onlyjustbecame...