a Bard, Cleric, or Warlock multiclass with the Paladin is a great combination so you can have the best of both worlds in a single party member. However, the Paladin works well as a multiclass option for many classes, so it could be worth investing a few...
Below we offer BG3 builds for each of the Baldur’s Gate 3 classes, including recommended Baldur’s Gate 3 races, Baldur’s Gate 3 feats, and DnD backgrounds. When we’ve had more of a chance to test out the game’s take on DnD multiclassing, we’ll also be back with some ...
Character Creation Guide Who Is Your Guardian Every Playable Class How To Change Classes And Respec How To Multiclass Every Feat In The Game Every Patron Deity Every Playable Race Every Playable Race Tips For Playing As A Half-Orc Tips For Playing As A Gnome Every Permanent Bonus In The ...
8, and 12. If you plan onmulticlassing, do take note that feat unlocks are class-dependent. As such, if you have a level 3Clericand you multiclass with aPaladinonce you have enough XP, that will only count as a level 1 Paladin rank. ...
Heals All Allies Within Range For 1D4 + 4 It's common to multiclass a character into Bard or Cleric just to get this very handy spell. Mass Restoration comes in scroll form, although this is hard to find. Another way to get the spell is by equipping theAmulet of Restoration, which is...