Watch on Netflix I Love Lizzy follows Jeff (Carlo Aquino), a young man who is on the verge of becoming a priest. While on vacation in the Philippines, Jeff becomes instantly attracted to his tour guide, Lizzy (Barbie Imperial); they soon open up to each other and share a bond. This...
Watch on Netflix I Love Lizzy follows Jeff (Carlo Aquino), a young man who is on the verge of becoming a priest. While on vacation in the Philippines, Jeff becomes instantly attracted to his tour guide, Lizzy (Barbie Imperial); they soon open up to each other and share a bond. This...
Whether your interest in Asian dramas was sparked after watching Squid Game or you’re a longtime fan looking for new shows to breeze through, there are plenty of Asian dramas on Netflix to start watching right now. From South Korea to the Philippines, the titles vary in compelling ...
List of the latest war movies in 2024 and the best war movies of 2023 and earlier. Top war movies to watch on Netflix, Hulu, Amazon Prime, Disney+ & other Streaming services, out on DVD/Blu-ray or in cinema's right now.
PureVPN is often considered one of the best on the market because of its super-fast servers (they have over 6500 of them in 78+ countries, including one in Jakarta). If you watch a lot of videos or download movies through torrents/peer-to-peer network, I strongly recommend it. ...
Netflix 4 White Tiger Based on the eponymous bestselling novel, this 2021 South Asian film follows the remarkable story of a driver for a rich Indian family who escapes from poverty and becomes an entrepreneur. What does the “white tiger” mean in the film? You’ll just have to watch ...
Best forfree streaming of anime, TV shows, and Movies. TubiTV provides users with an intuitive online platform that enables them to watch a huge gallery of content, which also includes Anime. It is a 100% free streaming service that supports itself through ad revenue. ...
Netflix Happy Jail Remember 2007’sviralThrillerflash mobmade by 1,500 inmates in a Philippine prison? In this 2019 docuseries,Happy Jailfollows the people of Cebu Provincial Detention and Rehabilitation Center in Cebu, Philippines, nearly a decade later (the five-part limited series was filmed ...
since the birth of cinema.Prime Videooffers a nice collection of actioners in its massive library, includingPrime Video originals, and it addsnew movies every week. That has made it a solidNetflix alternativein the raging streaming wars. So, what are the best action movies on Amazon Prime ...
Long gone are the days when you had to purchase a cinema ticket to watch your favorite movies and shows. Today, you don’t have to visit the cinema when you can stream your favorite shows with the ease of your mobile phone – just install an app on your device and enjoy unlimited TV...