The Plot: The film opens with newspaper magnate Charles Foster Kane on his deathbed, where his last word is "rosebud." This inspires a journalist to chronicle the enigmatic life of the mogul, uncovering his ruthless quest for power and fortune. The Twist: "Rosebud" is the name of Kane's...
Everybody loves a good plot twist, right? Whether they're ambiguous and thought-provoking (looking at you, David Lynch) or downright shocking (hello, The Mist), twists have been a staple of movies since pretty much the dawn of cinema. In the list below, we've narrowed down some of our...
Plot twist movies are all about building suspense and then blowing your mind, and we've rounded up the 50 best film plot twists of all time.
We’re not always fans of movies being turned into musicals –especially movies that have no real music connection to them at all – but there are a few cases where we’ll make an exception, like when Elton John is doing the score and the movie is The Devil Wears Prada. Yes the fashi...
From Alfred Hitchcock to Bong Joon-Ho and, yes, M. Night Shyamalan these are the best plot twist movies of all time.
From 'The Sixth Sense' to 'Malignant,' a great plot twist doesn't just shock, it can make a movie truly unforgettable. Here are the best.
Thriller movies are renowned for their ability to hack our attention, keeping us glued to the heart-pounding narratives their protagonists find themselves in. The genre offers a broad range of experiences, from nail-biting suspense and edge-of-the-seat murder mysteries to unforeseen plot twists an...
The Marvel show Agents of SHIELD had the difficult task of trying to build a show while also having to respond to the events of the MCU movies. However, this ended up working to its advantage at the end of the first season as it tied into Captain America: The Winter Soldier's plot. ...
Of course, we can't break down the best movies with a twist without giving a serious spoiler alert, so consider this yours: you've been warned. These are the best movies with a twist. A good plot twist is a special kind of thrill. Many TV shows—Game of Thronesimmediately comes to ...
Over 1K filmgoers have voted on the 40+ Best Mystery Movies On Prime Video. Current Top 3: Knives Out, The Prestige, The Suspicions of Mr Whicher