Meanwhile, The Perks of Being a Wallflower explores the complex dynamics of teenage life, including the struggles of a closeted gay teen, through the lens of an introverted high school freshman. Each of these movies brings a unique perspective to the coming-of-age genre, celebrating the diverse...
Over 1K filmgoers have voted on the 70+ films on Best Movies For Boys To Watch. Current Top 3: Star Wars Franchise, Indiana Jones Franchise, Back to the ...
Determined to find the perfect adoptive parents, she navigates the challenges of teenage life, love, and friendship, delivering a unique perspective on the triumphs and struggles of adolescence. Released: 2007 Directed by: Jason Reitman Also ranks #3 on The Best Movies About Millennials ...
If you're looking to relive the cringiest years of your life, then the best teen movies on Netflix can help you do just that. Here are the best high school movies to watch right now.
Best teen movies - Dumplin' IMDb says: Willowdean ('Dumplin'), the plus-size teenage daughter of a former beauty queen, signs up for her mum's Miss Teen Bluebonnet pageant as a protest that escalates when other contestants follow her footsteps, revolutionising the pageant and their smal...
Watch this collection of culturally significant LGBT movies that span from subtle and quiet to political and groundbreaking.
The titles below are sorted from the best LGBTQ films on Netflix and ranked by adjusted Tomatometer score (which takes into account the number of reviewers weighing in, and the number of reviews per film for movies released in a given year). To be included, films had to have a Fresh Tom...
Whether you’re trying to relieve your teenage angst or you’re still in the thick of it, we all love a good teen romance movie. Let’s face it, you’re never too old to reminisce on high school romance and some ofour favorite teen movieslive in our hearts well into adulthood. ...
But while the experience of teenagedom might be universal, the way the movies reflect that experience vary greatly. On this list of the best teen movies of all time, you’ll find raunchy comedies and big-hearted love stories, serious dramas and even some tales of horror – because after al...
through the empty nest, forGood Housekeepingsince 2018; previously, she wrote about parents and families atParentsandWorking Mother. She lives with her toy-collecting husband and daughter in Brooklyn, where she can be found helping out her team at bar trivia or posting about movies onTwitterand...