The Roaring Twenties (1939) is a riveting crime thriller directed by Raoul Walsh that chronicles the rise and fall of a disillusioned war veteran turned Bootlegger, portrayed convincingly by James Cagney. Co-starring Humphrey Bogart and Priscilla Lane, this film captures the essence of a tumultuous...
Also ranks #1 on The Best Suspenseful Movies Of All Time Also ranks #2 on The Best Movies About Ethical Dilemmas 14 L.A. Confidential Kevin Spacey, Russell Crowe, Guy Pearce 330 votes Set in the seedy world of 1950s Los Angeles, this stylish neo-noir crime thriller follows three di...
But violent crime breaks out in the community when family man Shelby gets desparate for cash and robs a pill mill with his brother-in-law. The problem only worsens when the mafia becomes involved, leading to a dangerous war. This crime thriller comes from director Nicholas Maggio with a ...
Here's a complete list of the best Thriller Movies available on Netflix in the U.S.. The list is updated daily and is sorted by IMDb rating, but you can also choose to sort it by the date when the titles were added to Netflix, which is convenient
Anna Kendrick’s directorial debut, ‘Woman of the Hour’ is a crime thriller based on the true story of serial killer/sex offender Rodney Alcala, convicted of killing five women in the late 1970s. However, his victims may be over 100. The film shows his appearance on the popular 70s ...
The real-life unsolved case from the late 1960s and 1970s is dramatized in the neo-noir crime thrillerZodiac. Often considered one ofDavid Fincher’s best movies, the 2007 film revolves around newspaper cartoonist Robert Graysmith (Jake Gyllenhaal), reporters Paul Avery (Robert Downey Jr.) and...
One of the best movies on Netflix is long enough to be broken into 4 digestible 'episodes' that are about 52 minutes each. And this crime thriller utilizes each and every moment to build suspenseful situations for Robert De Niro, Joe Pesci and Al Pacino, with the latter portraying Jimmy ...
On one hand, it’s because there’s such a wide variety of methods a filmmaker can use to thrill an audience — from psychological spooks to the mounting suspense of crime movies, from the shocks of a horror thriller to real-world scenarios a movie can fictionalize to send anyone into a...
ambiguous characters make it hard to root for anyone. Hugh Jackman is particularly unforgettable in his serious role as a desperate father who will do anything to save his daughter, with his performance alone inspiring dread and fear, especially for any parents watching the renowned crime-thriller...
Scraping up against the limits of knowability, David Fincher's mind-blowing crime thriller targets the truth itself as a serial killer's final victim.Zodiacis the definitive movie of its troubled decade, showing us good men thwarted by the elusive spirit of a murderous ghost. The real-life ex...