Hoping to create a diversion for Santa Anna's forces, General Sam Houston (Richard Boone) orders Colonel William B. Travis (Laurence Harvey), joined by Colonels Jim Bowie (Richard Widmark) and Davy Crockett (John Wayne), to lead a small, heroic band of American and Texican fighters in a...
Their journey brings them into contact with legendary figures like Sam Houston and the Texas Rangers, as well as a diverse array of deadly foes. The film's intriguing blend of history and high-stakes action make it an entertaining and enlightening addition to the genre. Released: 1998 Directed...
The Northmanis a revenge story through and through, and there’s something admirable in a movie being fully aware of what it is and playing to its strengths. Even more enticingly, the movie and its interpretation of the world weave in some ambiguous elements of mysticism. Skarsgård expected...
Houston County Bonaire Centerville Clinchfield Elko Kathleen Perry Warner Robins Irwin County Irwinville Mystic Ocilla Wray Jackson County Braselton Commerce Hoschton Jefferson Nicholson Pendergrass Talmo Jasper County Hillsboro Monticello Shady Dale Jeff Davis County ...
This downtown park offers free yoga classes, movie nights and toddler story times. The park has a playground, spray fountain and Mist Tree, great for hot Houston days. Enjoy free WiFi and open air… See tours 18. Downtown Aquarium 2,639 Aquariums Open now Downtown Aquarium isn't your ...
Well, “released” might be a generous word to describe what happened with that movie — it was more like “mangled and held hostage.” Fox Searchlight dumped a 150-minute cut of “Margaret” into theaters in September 2011, but it wasn’t until Lonergan’s 186-minute director’s cut ...
Whitney Houston was a great singer, but so were Linda Ronstadt and songwriter Dolly Parton, both of whom cut it in the 70s. Most likely it was the mix of elements – a heart-tugging song, a movie with a key romantic scene, and Houston’s sterling voice – that put this one over the...
Movie & TV News Featured on RT Robert Eggers and the Cast of Nosferatu Share Scariest Part of the Film December 24, 2024 Weekend Box Office: Sonic the Hedgehog 3 Speeds to Pre-Holiday Weekend Win December 23, 2024 30 Most Popular Movies Right Now: What to Watch In Theaters and Streaming...
The AP Top 25 Movies panelists also ranged in age from 29 to 68, and are based across the country — from Detroit to Memphis, Tennessee, and Houston to Philadelphia — though there is heavy representation in the film industry hubs of New York and Los Angeles. ...
Ultimately that’s a set-up the film is largely uninterested in, with writer/director Richard Linklater spending the bulk of the film sifting through the protagonist’s memories of living in Houston, as voiced by Jack Black as an adult looking back. It’s less a narrative than an attempt ...