Touted as a realistic drama, the film is based on the life story of former Tamil Nadu Chief Minister cum actress J Jayalalithaa. Starring Kangana Ranaut in the titular role, this Hindi-Tamil bilingual project was directed by AL Vijay. The film had its theatrical release on September 10, 202...
Best Hindi Movies 2021 Like every other year, Bollywood has churned out several movies this year as well, despite the fact that the theatres in the country were not able to function properly, due to the coronavirus pandemic. While most of Bollywood’s films had a direct OTT release, many m...
Anyhow, these 6 Hindi movies of 2021 somehow managed to leave a mark: 6. Ram Prasad Ki Tehrvi In light of the small-town comedies that have populated the Hindi film industry as of late, Seema Pahwa’s directorial debut is one of the two movies that plays out around a funeral. After ...
For those who are just being inducted into the world of Hindi movies, these Bollywood masterpieces are an amazing way to start.
Q. Which is most viewed movie in Hindi?A. Dilwale Dulhaniya Le Jaenge, released in 1995, is the most-viewed movie in Hindi to date. Q. Are there any Bollywood movies on Disney Plus?A. Some of the popular Bollywood movies on Hotstar are Stree, Gulmohar, Panga, Shiddat and Mission ...
Only part 1 of this movie has been released in 2021. The shooting for the second part (Pushpa: The Rule) is ongoing and expected to be released by the end of 2024. It is among the top new Hindi movies on Amazon Prime added recently. ...
Once Brandon begins to act on his twisted urges, those closest to him find themselves in grave danger. Released: 2019 Directed by: David Yarovesky Also ranks #1 on The Scariest Superhero Movies, Ranked Also ranks #1 on The 13 Most Disturbing Movie Scenes Depicting Patricide Also ranks #2 ...
The crew of an unloved franchise movie fighting for their place in a savage and unruly cinematic universe. Premiered: October 6, 2024 Number of Seasons: 1 Also ranks #16 on The 25+ Best High Brow Comedy Shows On TV Also ranks #18 on Every HBO Original Series, Ranked 42 Dinner with th...
This Indian Hindi sex comedy is directed by Karan Boolani. The movie follows Kanika, a 32-year-old single woman whose sex life is in ruins as she has never had an orgasm. Finally, the morning after her engagement night, she wakes up realizing that she had an orgasm but cannot remember...
The movie is hilarious and sad at the same time.Kangana Ranawat, who plays the lead character Ranihas killed her performance in this movie. It’s one Netflix Hindi movie that you won’t regret watching. Watch the trailerhere Check outQueen on Netflix ...