This film is a satirical take on the Panama Papers scandal, which revealed the extent of offshore tax evasion and money laundering by some of the world’s wealthiest individuals and corporations. The movie explores the corrupt practices that enable the wealthy to evade taxes and launder money th...
With its high-powered performances and captivating story, this movie is an unapologetic glimpse into the world of the ultra-wealthy. Released: 2013 Directed by: Martin Scorsese Dig Deeper Behind The Scenes Of 'The Wolf of Wall Street' Also ranks #1 on The Greatest Movies About Maki...
With its high-powered performances and captivating story, this movie is an unapologetic glimpse into the world of the ultra-wealthy. Released: 2013 Directed by: Martin Scorsese Dig Deeper Behind The Scenes Of 'The Wolf of Wall Street' Also ranks #1 on The Greatest Movies About Ma...
While Fran Capra’s 1946 feel-good classic is traditionally thought of as a Christmas movie, it’s also a story about banking in the early part of the 20thcentury. James Stewart plays George Bailey, a savings-and-loan owner so overwhelmed by his financial obligations that he contemplates taki...
(KiKi Layne) team up to prevent him from using them as money-making lab rats. The movie puts a fresh spin on the superhero saga — more philosophical, thoughtful and emotional than most entries in the genre. And more progressive, with a deeply romantic same-sex pairing. All of that has...
We’re limiting this list just to films that have been released since 1972 — which, not coincidentally, happens to be the year that a certain movie about an American family with a penchant for making offers we couldn’t refuse first hit theaters. That film is indeed on this list. So ...
The other day, she was going on and on about how much she liked my movie.go on about:不停地说某件事,唠叨某事 25:18 Here's my two cents, all right? Spend them wisely.two cents:当别人没有征求的时候提出的意见邻居Sheila在给Beth出主意赢回出轨丈夫的心,“Spend them wisely”这句话自然不...
for example if another streaming service licensed the title exclusively. Other times they find that the title isn't popular enough to warrant the cost of renewing. In that case, if you find that your favorite movie is leaving Netflix, it's probably because not enough people watched it and ...
My Neighbor Totorofans). Without giving too much away: thebest animeis about a girl named Chihiro whose parents are turned into pigs (yes, really) who then goes to work in a mystical bathhouse. If you're looking for a Studio Ghibli marathon, then check outEvery Studio Ghibli movie ranked...
No Hard Feelings was Jennifer Lawrence’s comeback movie after spending a few years away from the big screen. And she certainly makes a memorable impression as Maddie Barker, a woman who is on the verge of losing her home and her car over her money problems. That’s why Maddie accepts ...