This historical drama transports viewers to the early days of the Jesus Movement, a time when young people turned to faith amid social unrest and change. The movie explores the power of prayer, community, and the transformative nature of faith, providing a relevant context for today's you...
Also ranks #7 on The 35+ Best Movies About Jesus Christ 105 The Buddy Holly Story Gary Busey, Don Stroud, Charles Martin Smith 68 votes A chronicle of the rise and brief career of rock 'n' roll star Buddy Holly (Gary Busey), who aspires to play music the way he wants it to sound...
Before Barbie, Greta Gerwig made a much different – but not entirely dissimilar – movie about young womanhood, which solidified her as perhaps the most incisive chronicler of female relationships of her generation. A transcendent Saoirse Ronan stars as Christine McPherson, the self-christened ‘Lad...
Five Oscar nominations are tribute to a none-more-British film about the Blitz that found an appreciative audience on both side of the Atlantic. Seen through the eyes of ten year-old Billy (Sebastian Rice-Edwards),John Boorman's autobiographical movie turns London's bombed-out suburbs into a ...
Jesus Christ Superstar (1973) Vanessa Tibbs Actress (archive footage) California Gigolo (1980) Jade Wong Actress (archive footage) Prisoner of Paradise (1980)MOVIEmeter Members only Become a member to access additional data Try IMDbPro Premium for free Ratings Breakdown + Add external ...
A trueepitaphfor the Seventies: “This life’s hard, man. But it’s harder if you’re stupid!” Peter Yates made this massively influential, anti-glamorous gangster movie about small-time Irish crooks in Boston — guys like Eddie “Fingers” Coyle (Robert Mitchum), a world-weary gun-runni...
Oh yeah. Been there, done that, bought the T-shirt, with Gore Verbinski directing Naomi Watts in a movie that rivalled the mood of the original but then, as with so many blockbusters, failed to show restraint and showed the demon girl's face. And the less said about the sequel - ...
previously directed one other movie, the saccharine The Man Without a Face, but Braveheart was the sort of film he was born to make: It’s a big, violent, rousing, unsubtle spectacle, and it paved the way for Apocalypto, Hacksaw Ridge, and, in a sense, The Passion of the Christ. On...
Plot – A fantasy journey about a lovely young woman and her true love. After a long absence, he must track her down and save her. To be reunited with one other, they must combat the dangers of the fabled realm of Florin. Based on the novel “The Princess Bride” by William Goldman...
5. “Hillsong: Let Hope Rise” The world-renowned praise and worship group marks another milestone for coming out with this groundbreaking documentary about their music and humble beginnings. The movie also appealed to a secular audience based on its commercial success....