Toxapex is often used throughout the standard Great and Ultra Leagues. As a defensive choicer for your team, you want to reserve it as your last Pokémon, but we haveWhiscashand ashadow Galladeto help support it, with Whiscash as the lead and shadow Gallade swapping...
Starmie ex works so well because it has a powerful 90 Damage move for two Water Energy. Still, its true strength comes from having no Retreat Cost, which lets you retreat out for a fresh Starmie you were building up on your bench if health gets too low or an Articuno ex to deal som...
making it a durable option, and many of its Grass-type moves are super effective during this battle. You do have to be careful if Blastoise uses any Ice-type moves, but those should be infrequently seen during these battles. The best moveset to teach...
You want to prepare your team to take on this powerful Venusaur, and the way to do this is to understand the best way to exploit its weaknesses. But this is not a battle you can complete by yourself. These raids support up to 40 players, meaning you need to gather those in y...