Mewtwo's moves Best moveset Elite TM Resistances Counters How to catch Mewtwo What are Pokémon Go Mewtwo’s stats? Depending on whether you’re going up against Mewtwo in a raid or snapping it up in a pokéball, this gen 1 Pokémon can have different CP levels. Mewtwo also benefits fro...
Put simply, Mewtwo is the best Pokémon. With a CP that reaches over 4,000 and devastating legacy attacks in Psystrike and Shadow Ball, Mewtwo can deal huge damage even in neutral matchups. Running Confusion and Psystrike is optimal, but other movesets still deal massive damage – just set...
The best Legendary Pokemonis, without a doubt, Mewtwo.The iconic Gen 1 Legendary remains a top choice in any of the mainline games or for those in the competitive scene due to its epic powers. Mewtwo, the first Legendary Pokemon in the franchise, had a huge impact on the anime’s story...
Using its unique gimmick, Hawlucha soars above other early game options in Pokemon X and Y, as its moveset of Wing Attack, Flying Press, Encore, and Swords Dance offer it enough raw power to push past any obstacle. In a speedrun as difficult as X and Y's, it's impossible to function...
Pangoro’s best moveset is up for debate, as it is somewhat of a glass cannon option in PvP, and offers little in most raid situations. However, Snarl is your go-to fast move for a fast-charging STAB attack. Things change when it comes to charged moves, as all four of Pangoro’s...