Since launch, developer Niantic Labs has taken a step toward letting competitive players check the stats for their Pokémon. If you want to get a general sense of a Pokémon’s individual values before giving it away, you can use the appraise feature to get a vague sense of its strengths....
Unless people want it I won't put up the "top XX moveset" as it's basically just the legos. Search reddit Submit N/ALink Submit N/AText 18 Jul 2016 19 shortlink: (80% upvoted) Best Move-Set for each Pokemon based on Peak R ANK 21 18 8 68 70 D EX 3 6 9 12 15 N AME ...
Machop: Machop is the most damaging attacker against several of the most powerful defenders in the game — if you get the right moveset. That means, even though Machop nests, you might need a lot of candy to build your Machamp strike force. Dratini: Dratini hatches are common now and th...
butitdoesn’tchangethe ordertoomuchreally. WiththeadditionofthedataofMewandotherLegendaryPokemontheresultsareobviouslyscrewedheavilyto them. UnlesspeoplewantitIwon'tputupthe"topXXmoveset"asit'sbasicallyjustthelegos. BestMove-SetforeachPokemonbasedonPeak RANKDEXNAMEPEAKFASTSPECIAL 213Venusaur1.786829VineWhip...