Spiky Shield is a great Protect-like move to keep it alive, and other support moves like Follow Me, Encore, and Spikes are quite effective in keeping the enemy team distracted and occupied. Kyogre Kyogre in Pokémon Scarlet and Violet. Screenshot via Dot Esports The big whale from Hoenn ...
The best Pokemon-catching build in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet is kind of tough to put together. Ideally, your dedicated catching pokemon should have False Swipe and at least one more that can inflict paralysis or sleep status effects. Unfortunately, in Scarlet and Violet, no one pokemon is a...
Blacephalon is a Fire and Ghost-type Ultra Beast you can add to your roster. Image via the Pokemon Company, remix by Dot Esports When picking the attacks forBlacephaloninPokémon Go, you want to go with the fast attackIncinerate and the charged moves Mystical Fire and Shadow Ball. Each at...
While it had quite a few bugs at launch,Pokémon Scarlet and Violetis in a much better place in 2024. It’s not perfect, but many of the technical wrinkles have been ironed out — making it one of the best Pokémon games you can play today. However, if you’ve already invested hundre...
Therefore, when using Garchomp for a Tera Raid consider using it against Pokémon that are weak to Ground- or Dragon-type moves but do not have Ice-type moves that take it out quickly. Garchomp can be caught as a wild Tera Pokémon by evolving a Gible or Gabite or catching them after ...
Sprigatito is pretty darn adorable, but its Grass-typing and moves mean it's not going to be a ton of help for the first few gyms (Bug, Grass). However, if you're planning on taking on the Stony Cliff Titan first, Sprigatito will hold the advantage over the Rock-type Pokémon you...
How to start The Teal Mask DLC in Pokémon Scarlet and Violet The first of two announced DLC expansions for Pokémon Scarlet and Violet has hit, called The Teal Mask. Both DLCs will introduce new places, items, moves, and, most importantly, Pokémon to catch, train, and befriend. ...
Azumarill's moves and stats correlate with what items and abilities trainers use on it for battle. Consider using the Shell Bell or Sitrus Berry inPokémon Scarlet and Violet for HP coverage.Additionally, when wanting to gain HP, Leftovers are also a smart gradual effect choice. However, accord...
Image via The Pokemon Company Garganacl is a strong and bulky tank in Pokémon Scarlet and Violet. This powerful Pokémon has a great ability in Purifying Salt, which cuts the damage it takes from Ghost-type moves by half and also prevents it from being affected by status ailments. This ...
Related:All Walking Wake Weaknesses and Best Counters in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet Iron Leaves lacks great Defense, so using a Pokémon with good physical bulk is recommended. Even outside of Tera Raids,Koraidonis a fantastic choice to counter the futuristic foe.Perrserkercan also be hi...