The movie's intense narrative highlights a mother's unwavering love and determination to protect her child at all costs. Panic Room, with its unforgettable performances and gripping plot, takes viewers on a heart-pounding journey that underscores the limitless depth of the mother-daughter connection...
Over 1K filmgoers have voted on the 80+ Best Father-Daughter Movies. Current Top 3: Despicable Me, To Kill a Mockingbird, Beauty and the Beast
Mother son incest movies: Love Strange Love (1982), My Mother (2004), Grand Jeté (2022), Chaleurs (1971), Murmur of the Heart (1971), Il fascino sottile del peccato (1987), Kandagawa Wars (1983), Savage Grace (2007), The Miracle (1991), A Letter of Fire
Sissy Spacek's titular outcast has to face the school bullies who ridicule her and the abusive religious fervour of her God-fearing mother – until a truly nasty prank at the prom pushes her well and truly over
With a sudden urge to start life over in the country, the remaining family members – mother Dinah Sheridan and her three children – up sticks and settle alongside a quaint Yorkshire railway line where the film slowly begins to work its very English charm. Jenny Agutter and little Sally ...
The perfect Mother's Day gift: a cozy blanket, a bottle of your mom's favorite wine, and a movie-night with one of these classic feel-good films!
Whether it’s a tough-yet-tender adoptive mother, a nightmarish mother-in-law or a wire-hanger-hating matriarch,GAYOT’s Best Movie Momsoffers a great primer to the many (entertaining) faces of motherhood. > The selections are presented in alphabetical order. ...
Steven Soderbergh directs a searing performance by Terence Stamp in his thriller about a Brit who comes to California trying to find his missing daughter, and those who may be responsible for hurting her. Soderbergh rarely missteps and The Limey is one of his most underrated films, a perfectly...
(Jack Black) teams up with his teen daughter and her friends to defeat his creations. The movie finds an impressive balance between thrills and laughs that should intrigue younger audiences without scaring them too much, and Black's ridiculous performance ensures that there's a lot for adult ...
It’s the best mother-daughter relationship comedy since “Terms of Endearment,” but the emotional depth that drives the movie forward is never too far away from a well-earned laugh. Gerwig’s sense of comic timing is impeccable, from the memorable car-jumping sequence of its opening moments...