Now is the Best Time to Plant Grass Seed!Add or retrofit pro seriesspreaders with this control center. Controls for patternbalance, on/off and infinite left and right throwing patterns.Variable port settings.Treasure II Chewings Fescue
Can I Plant Grass Seed in October? Given that the distinction is between "cool" and "warm" season grasses, it will come as no surprise that which grasses to plant where depends in large part on the climate of a region. Each grass type is suited for a specific type of climate and sh...
Warm-season grasses thrive during hot summer months, exhibiting superior resistance to heat and drought compared to cool-season varieties. They are particularly suitable for the drier areas of Kentucky, specifically the western part of the state, where they usually require less upkeep. While cool-s...
These plants are heat and drought-resistant, easy to grow, and bloom for months. This plant makes great cut flowers to take indoors to enjoy. As the flowers fade and the nectar dries up, the flower heads will attract goldfinches, who love their seeds. Native plants need to be promoted b...
Experts say a seeded lawn takes up to two months to become established. In a seeded lawn, the grass seeds can take as little as a week to germinate, but you may need to let the moon cycle twice around the Earth before your lawn is well established. If you’re putting down sod, know...
For all the hours I spend planning what to plant and how to look after it, my garden has it's own ideas about how it wants to grow. I can go along with Mother Nature, or steer my own course, but that's often where things go awry...MORE Read Now Get Email Contact Show 101 ...
Plant type: Grass-like evergreen herbaceous perennial Zones: 4-10 Exposure: Full sun to partial shade Habit: Mounding clumping habit Height/Spread: 8 to 24 inches tall and wide Strappy green or variegated leaves add fine texture and structure to the landscape. Purple, pink, or white flower...
Lily of the valleyis a low-growing, spreading perennial plant with arching stems of bell-shaped,white flowers. It's perfect for growing in shady borders and woodland settings. It works well as a cut flower. Grow lily of the valley in moist soil in partial shade. ...
the fall when they’re mature. Break open to reveal the seeds and cold-moist stratify them for several months before sowing to improve germination rates. This process assists in breaking apart the hard outer layer the seed possesses. This can also be done to seeds ordered from seed companies...