This one was modded by Lee Jackson of Metaltronix, who has probably modded more Marshalls than anybody in the business back in the day and whose amps are highly cherished for making a great amp sound even better. It has the most popular mods Lee did including: an extra preamp stage and ...
Mods are a fun way to enhance your gaming experience. Some of them make unnecessarily annoying parts of the game more manageable, others offer a different choice in handling certain aspects of the game, while others simply make the game too easy, which m
Do you want to change up your DST gaming experience? Well, look no further because I have something for you: character mods! For those who are unfamiliar, a mod (in DST and similar styled games) is a program made by players like yourself who want to add a little more spice and every...
Interestingly enough, it is for Don't Starve Together but for the regular Don't Starve. Don't Starve Together in our encyclopedia Borderlands 2 September 18, 2012 Rate It! Overview Guide Most Read Articles 50 Shades of The Sims - A List of Naughty Mods 50 Shades of The Sims - A ...
My Wigfrid in DST now looks like a half human Minotaur that’s something that without PC Mods (or official skin support) I just can’t do with Solo DS. I would love to be able to play SW/Ham with a friend, I enjoy the challenges & atmosphere of those DLCs.. but again- Without ...
Mods like a 24″ scale length, a modified C shape neck for easier neck action, and body contours for comfort – this sounds like a Fender Kurt Cobain Jaguar to us. Yep – it’s a pricey guitar, but if you’ve got some awesome talent despite your paw size, you’ll appreciate the ...
8. Ask people what you can do for them. Another little tid-bit I got fromThe Influencer Podcast.Julie Solomon(the host) is always talking about reaching out to people and asking how you can serve them. I think that’s such a refreshing way of considering networking and building up a su...
Just tested out, and Linux DST version works with Mods, i.e. game starts and still keeps the mods as before, and clicking "Mods" button in the game loads the Mods screen. Expand I can't see your images since their links are unavailable in China. ...
There are also some mods on the workshop that can improve performance but they seem to be geared for servers that lasts 1000+ days; if you are having performance issues on fresh worlds I don't think these would help you. Another thing I would suggest is making sure your lapto...