The Plague Rat is undeniably one of the strongest ADC this season. With the current meta dominated by tanks and beefy champions, Twitch’s actual damage makes him a great late-game player. Whether players run on AD or AP build, this champion brings a lot to team fights. Twitch is particu...
Best build path –Winter’s Bite (Q)–Unbreakable (E)–Stand Behind Me (W)Once you’ve unlocked all three, max your Q first, then E, and round up with W. Best ADCs to pair with Braum –Miss Fortune–Ezreal–Twitch–Zeri–Jhin Toughest support matchups for Braum –Taric–Shaco–R...
Miss Fortune LeBlanc Nautilus Diana Smolder We’re off to the penultimate section of our tier list. Champions in this category might be fun to play, especially once you land an Augment or two, but they often fail to produce results. They’re usually tough to use in most duos and don’t...
Here we are at my second favorite marksman in the game called Miss Fortune “The Bounty Hunter”. When it comes to playing Miss Fortune your main priority is making sure that your Q bounces from a minion to the enemy ADC or support. Why? Because it deals a ton of damage and I am 99...
Vayne Probuilds for Patch from Pro players. Vayne is mostly played on position Top / Adc. Find your winning Vayne Pro Builds.
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you can also play Teemo as a Jungler/ Mid Laner mage/ Dragon Laner ADC too. But, it totally depends upon the team composition. In this guide, we will take a look at the best runes, spell, build, including tips and tricks to pave your way to victory with Teemo in League of Legends...
Let us take a look onhow to beat Draven. We will look at champions who are strong against Draven and who are weak against Draven. Use win rate, gold difference and creep score difference at minute 10 to find the bestAdcchampion who counters Draven. You can already win in champion select...
Miss Fortune Vayne Lucian Ashe Tristana Support- Bot Lane Supports never get the love they deserve but their role on a team is nevertheless required. Vision, CC, peel, even damage in some cases; supports can totally carry games themselves. Here are a few that will consistently give you and...
Miss Fortune 46 games WR 48.91% Weak Against Smolder Champions such as Kog'Maw are weak against Smolder. We included what items Smolder should build in each matchup. Kog'Maw 60 games ⮩ + 3% + 7% WR 43.33% Twitch 82 games ⮩ + 4% + 5% WR 46.95% Vayne 58 games ⮩ + ...