Best Minecraft 1.21 Bedrock SeedsWhether you play on your computer, TV, or phone, these are truly the best seeds in Minecraft 1.21 Bedrock.Jungle Temple at SpawnScreenshot by Pro Game Guides Seed: 4836258755748035479A Jungle Temple will be in your face as soon as you enter this world. As ...
System:Pocket Edition/PE/Bedrock Edition 7.Horse Island Survival Have you ever wanted to live on a deserted island filled with horses? This seed spawns you on a small island where - you guessed it - your only company is a herd of wild horses. There’s also a shipwreck nearby where you...
Best Minecraft Bedrock Speedrun Seeds 5. Three Villages and a Stronghold Our next best seed is simple and perfect for speedrunning, even if you are a beginner. It spawns you next to two villages that have the most importanttypes of Minecraft villagersbetween themselves. You can trade, collect ...
Bedrock seeds Getting yourself the best Minecraft seeds so you can set out on a new world? A brand new expedition is heaps of work, and doing it wrong can maroon you in unfamiliar cubic wilds. Thankfully, whether you've got a craving for a solo survival safari, or prefer to get frie...
structures to find in Minecraft. Woodland Mansions are difficult to find because they only spawn in Dark or Roofed Forests while Trail Ruins are hard to spot if you don't know where to look. This seed provides guaranteed Mansion and Trail Ruins spawns for players who want to explore both ...
Version:Bedrock Dangerous mobs cannot spawn on Mycelium, making Mushroom Islands one of the safest places for Minecraft players to live. This one is relatively close to shore and has enough room for everything you need. The nearby ocean has a few smaller structures, like Cold Ocean Ruins. If...
While most of the players rely on thebest Minecraft parkour mapsto practice their movement skills, there is nothing like moving through the default terrain. But even the best parkour runners will struggle on this seed, which spawns a shattered mountain, climbing which is an invitation to fall ...
A guide filled with 41 of the best Minecraft seeds for 1.21.4 that we've ever come across, from fantastic diamond spawns to survival islands and more!,
Are you scared of dying and losing your items in Minecraft? Does that stop you from experiencing fun game features? Well, the Corpse mod will take care of that. This modspawns a corpse in the exact location where you died. It’s a storage containing all of the items you had when you...
24. Quick Minecraft 1.21 Beginning (Java) Seed Code: -6538244134311383951 Spawn Biome: Desert Coordinatesfor the village: X: 160 Z: 50 If you are looking for a seed that can help you get into the Minecraft 1.21 update and its features quickly, then this one’s for you. It spawns you ...