Set in the early 19th century, ‘The Pale Blue Eye‘ is a mystery thriller against a period backdrop. Christian Bale stars asAugustus Landor, a troubled detective summoned to investigate a series of grisly murders at amilitary academy in West Point. Assisting him is a fictionalized version of...
Over 900 filmgoers have voted on the 100+ Best Black Thriller Movies, Ranked. Current Top 3: Training Day, Get Out, Boyz n the Hood
Ben Affleck, Oscar Isaac, Pedro Pascal, Garrett Hedlund, and Charlie Hunnam play five former Special Forces military operators in this J.C. Chandor thriller. Feeling neglected by their government, the men decide to get in on a heist to steal $75 million from a drug cartel in a South ...
Also ranks #5 on The 55+ Best Political Thriller Shows Dig Deeper The Best TV Shows of 2013 Will i like it? IS IT WATCHWORTHY? featured subscription 79 The Alienist January 21, 2018 101 votes A journalist tries to solve a series of murders in New York City in 1896....
Moscow Xstarts slowly and then accelerates into a fast-paced thriller. We have the return of Artemis Proctor, who was inDamascus Station.The book opens in a quite dramatic fashion, where she finds herself in a very compromised position. I won’t ruin it for readers, but she’s immediately...
Even thoughThe Billion Dollar Spyis a true story of the spy world during the Cold War, not a fiction work, it is full of top-secret missions and engaging intrigue. People who love spy thrillers will love this book, which is written like an espionage thriller. If you didn’t know it ...
Challenger by Adam Higginbotham tells the story of the 1986 Space Shuttle disaster in a 'nonfiction thriller' style (Higginbotham also wrote a pacy book about the 1986 Chernobyl disaster). This is a great way to get an understanding of what happened, given the technical engineering details of ...
Book one in a series: Mei Lin Yu’s ancestors were among New Eden’s Founding Families… but when she stumbles upon the planet’s original inhabitants, she uncovers a hidden truth that will redefine her past and future. A USA Today bestselling author delivers a mesmerizing sci-fi epic! Sc...
This is a private military company that is focused on modern technology while combining it with old freighters. Eventually, this company was assigned to locate the US Secretary of State, who was abducted while she was trying to broker peace in Libya. Along the way, there are a lot of ...
Taylor and fellow screenwriter Tony Rettenmaier weave in wild twists, fly fight scenes, irreverent humor, and swaggering style for what our critic called "a propulsive comedy-thriller with weight." As bold as it is star-studded, you won't want to miss They Cloned Tyrone. And stay for the...